Category: Heinlein

So Where Did You Get Your Ideas, Mr. Heinlein?

Heinlein Society This is copyrighted material and may not be copied or reproduced in any form, including on other websites, without permission of the copyright holder. So Where Did You Get Your Ideas, Mr. Heinlein? A Review of Robert Heinlein’s “Tramp Royale” By John J. Reilly, ©1997 Tramp Royale by Robert A. Heinlein The Berkley…
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Rah, Rah, R. A. H.! by Spider Robinson

Heinlein Society This is copyrighted material and may not be copied or reproduced in any form, including on other websites, without permission of the copyright holder. Rah, Rah, R. A. H.! By Spider Robinson, ©1980 This essay has previously appeared in Destinies magazine (Jim Baen, ed., Summer, 1980), Time Travelers Strictly Cash (Spider Robinson, 1981),…
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Voyage to a Thousand Cares by David M. Silver

Heinlein Society – Scholastic/Academic articles Voyage to a Thousand Cares: Background on Slavery in Citizen of the Galaxy This is copyrighted material and may not be copied or reproduced in any form, including on other websites, without permission of the copyright holder. Voyage to a Thousand Cares: Background on Slavery in Citizen of the Galaxy…
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“How I first encountered Heinlein…” by David Silver

“How I first encountered Heinlein…” David Silver, Heinlein Society Past President Past President Silver on his introduction to the works of Robert A. Heinlein: “When I was eleven in 1954, bored tearless one smoggy summer with the books in the children’s library in Los Angeles that I was ‘allowed’ to read, a librarian handed me…
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How I Found Heinlein

Robert Heinlein Remembered by L. Neil Smith Take big bites. Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love Imagine a lonely kid, undersized and overbright, living on an American air base overseas. Comic books taught him to read years before he started school and he’d tackle anything that fell open…
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The Martian Named Smith: Book Review

Heinlein Society – Scholastic/Academic articles The Martian Named Smith: Book Review This is copyrighted material and may not be copied or reproduced in any form, including on other websites, without permission of the copyright holder. The Martian Named Smith: Book Review  by Jane Davitt There are as many opinions about Robert Heinlein’s ‘Stranger In A…
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Considered by some to be one of the more confusing of Heinlein’s works, the novel THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST was written late in his career. It begins with the fastest falling in love sequence since ROMEO AND JULIET and ends with a party at which many of RAH’s characters and many of his real…
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ВИРЖИНИЯ ХАЙНЛАЙН In English 1916 – 2003 Виржиния Герстенфелд (Virginia Gerstenfeld) закончила Университете Нью-Йорка в 1937 году и работала химиком вплоть до начала Второй мировой войны. Она служила лейтенантом в Военно-морских силах США, будучи сначала сотрудником Бюро аэронавтики, а затем – экспериментальной станции военно-воздушных сил морского базирования в Филадельфии. Там она встретилась с Робертом Хайнлайном…
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Heinlein Timeline

On January 7, 2013  I posted a Heinlein timeline on the Heinlein Facebook page for a reader who asked for assistance in determining the order of Robert’s books.  The post drew a lot of looks, many more than I expected,  so I decided to create an improved timeline which of course wouldn’t fit in Facebook.  …
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Happy 100th to Lazarus Long!

11-11-12: It’s Lazarus Long’s 100th Birthday ! Happy 100th Birthday Woodrow Wilson Smith, aka Lazarus Long; Ernest Gibbons; Captain Aaron Sheffield; “Happy” Daze; His Serenity Seraphin the Younger, Supreme High Priest of the One God in All His Aspects and Arbiter Below and Above; Proscriber Prisoner No. 83M2742; Mr. Justice Lenox; Corporal Ted Bronson; Dr.…
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My Virginia Edition Arrived!

My Virginia Edition of the Complete Works of Robert A. Heinlein arrived and has a new home on shelves in my office! My goodness… with as many things having to do with Heinlein and his legacy I’ve been involved in (Heinlein Archives, Heinlein Society, Heinlein Prize Trust, and more), I didn’t think a book set…
Read more Double Star Book Discussion will be having a book discussion of Double Star by Robert Heinlein September 15, 2012 at 2pm in the Oak Park Public Library. “One minute, down and out actor Lorenzo Smythe was — as usual — in a bar, drinking away his troubles. Then a pilot bought him a drink, and the next thing…
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Prophets of Science Fiction: Reviewed by Lars Hedbor

I really enjoyed the show – it reminded me what a powerful influence Heinlein has been in so many aspects of my personal life, as well as in the lives of all Americans – and beyond. The live actor recreations of moments of his life and work were wonderful, and I really appreciated the verisimilitude…
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Prophets of Science Fiction: Reviewed by “Thinker”

I have mixed feelings about the RAH presentation.  It was very well done and had  excellent actors, visuals, graphics, references, commentary, etc. But, I came away from watching the program somewhat disappointed. I’m glad they stayed away from critical views and focused mainly on his contributions and visions but they skipped most all of his…
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Prophets of Science Fiction – About the Production

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 the Science Channel program Prophets of Science Fiction will run its episode focusing on Heinlein. In August of 2011, the producers of the Discovery Science Channel’s series Prophets of Science Fiction contacted The Heinlein Society with a request for help for their episode on Robert A. Heinlein. The script was completed…
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Encountering the Heinleins by Michael Cassutt

I heard a male voice on the line. “Is this Michael Cassutt?” “Yes.” “This is Robert Heinlein.” Heinlein readers can easily imagine my stunned reaction.

Review of the Heinlein Biography: Learning Curve

Hugo-nominated, winner of the Locus award, biography of Robert Heinlein by William H. Patterson, Jr. Review of Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue with His Century: Vol. 1: Learning Curve: 1907-1948 by Robert James, Ph.D.

Virginia Heinlein: A Biography

A biography of Virginia Gerstenfeld Heinlein, wife of Robert Heinlein, founder of the Heinlein Society by Robert James, Ph.D.

Robert A. Heinlein: A Biography

A brief biography of Robert A. Heinlein by William H. Patterson, Jr., author of the Locus Award-winning, Hugo-nominated biography of Heinlein: Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue with His Century: Volume 1 (1907-1948): Learning Curve

How I first encountered Heinlein…

How I first encountered Heinlein… by David Wright, Sr.


Heinlein Society This is copyrighted material and may not be copied or reproduced in any form, including on other websites, without permission of the copyright holder. STRANGER VS STRANGER: Comparing Versions of Heinlein’s “Stranger in a Strange Land” by G. E. Rule ©1994 G. E. Rule “My reputation rests almost solely on how I tell…
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Heinlein Society – Scholastic/Academic articles Posted 06.11.2004 CAMPBELL ON HEINLEIN: SELECTIONS FROM THE JOHN W. CAMPBELL LETTERS This is copyrighted material and may not be copied or reproduced in any form, including on other websites, without permission of the copyright holder. Selected and introduced by Robert Gorsch Professor of English Saint Mary’s College of California…
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Sir Arthur Clarke Named Recipient of 2004 Heinlein Award

Heinlein Society Press Release: 05.22.04 Sir Arthur Clarke Named Recipient of 2004 Heinlein Award MAY 22, 2004— The Heinlein Society announced today that the panel of judges for the Robert A. Heinlein Award for outstanding published work in hard science fiction or technical writings inspiring the human exploration of space has chosen Sir Arthur C.…
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Heinlein History: Kansas City, Missouri

Heinlein History: Kansas City, Missouri around the time the Heinlein family lived there… ©2000 Deb Houdek Rule Robert A. Heinlein was born in 1907 in Butler, Missouri. A few years later the family moved to Kansas City where he grew up. Kansas City around this time figures prominently in several Heinlein pieces, being the homes…
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The Lost Manuals

The Lost Manuals by J. Neil Schulman: Sooner or later we all imagine there’s a set of technical manuals our parents were supposed to give us at birth with instructions on How Life Works. Look no further: you’ll find the closest thing to the Lost Manuals in the science fiction section: the author was Robert A. Heinlein.