The Heinlein Society presents…
A Photo Tour of Bonny Doon
Part 1
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©Virginia Heinlein, used with her permission
Captions by William H. Patterson
Bonny Doon was the name of the area that has become synonymous with the fabled home the Heinleins built there in Santa Cruz, California, where they lived from 1967 to 1987. The circular house became something of a legend yet photos are exceptionally scarce. These photos showing every aspect of the Heinlein’s home of Bonny Doon were in the possession of Mrs. Heinlein and passed on to The Heinlein Society, before her death, with permission to present them to the public. They show a seldom-seen intimate look into the private lives of Robert and Virginia Heinlein.
This collection includes nearly 90 photos–the first 14 are presented on this page, more will soon follow. Some of the photos contain a few intriguing surprises and fun glimpses into the Heinleins’ private lives, tastes, and interests.

the 6000 sign is across the road from the fence Approach from the side -- front door is at left, partially screened by a tree

Ginny's favorite daphnia -- grown from a gift. She said when it was in bloom it perfumed the front entranceway

This is the pump house -- they had their own water on the property, and this shed housed the pump. It's between the frontage and the steep part of the hill that leads up to the house

These three photos appear to be taken walking south-to-north along the frontage, far enough up the hill to get a partial view of the house, so within the property line. Mainly this series shows how much redwood trees surrounds the house. These hills are in a redwood forest. Their property had a redwood cathedral -- I'll talk about that in more detail in a later picture
go to Bonny Doon photos part 2
go to Bonny Doon photos part 3
go to Bonny Doon photos part 4