- Entity Information
Our US Tax ID is 76-0660576.
We are registered in the state of Texas as a charitable non-profit corporation.
Our corporate mailing address is:
The Heinlein Society
3553 Atlantic Avenue, #341
Long Beach, CA 90807-5606
- Contact information
if a stated area of the website does not list a particular email address, you may always contact to reach our President to resolve an issue.
- Refund or cancellation policies
If you contact us for a refund because you picked the wrong type of membership or donation level, we will make every attempt to refund to your original payment method as soon as possible. You should do this as soon as you realize you made an error. Please allow at least 3 business days for a response. If you wish to cancel a yearly membership dues payment that was not paid in error you will be refunded a prorated amount. We do not charge any fee to process a refund or cancellation request.
- Privacy/personally identifiable information policies
As Robert Heinlein valued his privacy, so do we respect yours. We will not sell or otherwise give your name or information to any third party without your permission. We use reputable payment processors and widely-used website backends to ensure any IT security or vulnerability issues are addressed timely.
We collect information mostly used to stay in touch with you. For members that means your name, email address, physical mailing address, and phone number. We also store your indicated volunteering interests and your membership status, join dates, and renewal dates.
We will contact you with our periodic newsletter, for notices of meetings and to allow you to securely vote electronically for board membership and for any issues that are brought to the membership for a formal vote.
If you contact us with a request to delete your information, we will delete all of your information, except as necessary with any explicit business transactions to keep any accounting information as bound by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
As a non-profit organization with income below thresholds, we are not bound by the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
The Heinlein Society Website does not collect information specific to individual users without their knowledge or consent. We may analyze server logs to determine information in an aggregate form about users in general who visit our site, but none of this links to specific users. None of the content on our site is unsuitable for minors, therefore at no time will anyone be asked to provide proof of age, although we do ask creators of an account to provide their date of birth to assist with demographics.
We do ask for members to create a website account which allows us to collect information and use it with automation to send necessary communications and reminders. Please “Opt-in” for reminders.
E-mail addresses or any personal information we collect is never shared or transferred to any third parties, except as required to fulfill a request for information from the owner of the address. Under normal circumstances the owner’s approval will be required before any address is passed on to a third party.
The Heinlein Society does not give out to enquirers any addresses or contact details for any author, artist, member or any individual or other information sources known to it unless these have been released as a public contact point by the owners.
Other Terms and conditions
- User rights and responsibilities
- Keeping Details Current: we post all legal notices on our website; we do not assume responsibility for the delivery of emails to your specific email address. It is crucial to keep us informed of the best way to contact you.
- Opt-out Policy describing the procedure for account termination: We will deactivate accounts upon request either through online account maintenance or by contacting . We do not delete accounts as they are necessary for audit/bookkeeping purposes.
- Disclaimer/limitation of liability clarifying the site’s legal liability for damages incurred by users
The Heinlein Society limits its liability as allowed by law. We do not store payment information, only references.
If these legal notices change, we will publish notice on our website for every change and for major changes will also publicize in our newsletter.