The Heinlein Society exists to preserve the legacy renowned writer Robert Anson Heinlein left us in novels, essays, speeches, and short stories that remain as fresh as ever. We need your help to do it.
We intend in Heinlein’s words to “PAY IT FORWARD,” since we can never pay back the benefits we got from him, by spreading the wisdom of Robert Anson Heinlein to others.
The Heinlein Society has established programs to:
- Place the books of Robert Heinlein in libraries everywhere, especially in school libraries where his juvenile novels may continue to help to form character and provoke critical and intelligent thinking among our young people
- Award scholarships and grants to worthy young people.
- Assist in disseminating the works of Robert Heinlein into new languages and formats
- Promote annual Heinlein blood drives
- Explore the possibility of accurate and true to book renditions of Robert Heinlein’s stories to film and other media
- Promote scholarly research and overall discussion of the works and ideas of Robert Anson Heinlein
Join us in “Paying it forward”!