In the beginning H4H shipped books collected from the $1.00 shelves at Value Village and Goodwill. Over time many book donations came too, but the bulk of the books we’ve shipped were purchased from Michael’s Books in Bellingham Washington. Michael has been in this store for 30 years and was very excited about working with The Heinlein Society. He is a big Frank Herbert fan.

We received 1,000 books in the first shipment from Michael’s. They came in bulk boxes containing 180 to 200 books. My son brought these heavy duty storage boxes from where he works. The stout cardboard with hand holds made it much easier to handle the books.

This is what they looked like stacked in my upstairs bedroom. At that time there were still four more boxes in my garage. We had lots of books at the beginning of the H4H program. This bedroom is our exercise room. We still have space for our tread mill and my wife’s stationary bicycle. There are still books stored here today.

These are containers of books ready to go into shipping boxes. Yes, these are all Heinleins. These smaller boxes are carried to the area where we box for shipment.

Every book gets a H4H book plate to identify our program. I put them on the back page. I know some of you will disagree with the placement because I’m covering words and pictures, but I want our “logo” visible when the book is on a shelf or lying around.

No damaged books are sent to recycle if we can save them. This book has broken bindings and is beginning to come apart. We wrap them with a rubber band and add a sticker. So far no one has complained.

This is a standard shipment of 10 books, boxed with our H4H letter ready to be closed. Every ten books include one Heinlein. One or two of the books are fantasy.

This box is ready to go to the Post Office. Note the H4H sticker. The package weighs three pounds and postage costs $3.65. We use a DYMO label writer for printing and endcia for postage.
And that’s how we roll!!