THS is pleased to announce we have met our fund-raising goal of $14,000 in support of creating and placing a bronze bust and accompanying plaque of Robert A. Heinlein in the Missouri State Capitol building’s “Hall of Famous Missourians”. Donations are now closed. Details on the timing of the completion and unveiling of the bust will be forthcoming in the days ahead. We hope, perhaps, to have the bust available for viewing at Worldcon in Kansas City next year as well.
Science fiction author Jeb Kinnison ( provided the final $4,500 donation, which with Heinlein Prize Trust ( previously announced dollar-for-dollar matching, pushed the total to the goal. Dozens of “Heinlein’s Children” also made donations, and we wish to thank each and every one of you who did, and are internally discussing some small suitable momento to express our appreciation and show your friends you were part of the effort. We’d also like to thank “friendlies” like Mike Glyer at File 770 ( and John Scalzi (@scalzi on Twitter) for helping to get the word out on this effort. Thank you all.
Read more on Jeb Kinnison’s donation and his own personal “RAH story” here: