Donations by “Heinlein’s Children” towards the creation and placing of a bronze bust of Robert A. Heinlein in the Missouri State Capitol building have reached $2,500. This number is before accounting for the dollar-for-dollar matching offered by the Heinlein Prize Trust (
Between the two, we’ve reached $5,000 of the $14,000 fund raising goal for the bust, plaque, display column, and event costs (hey, we gotta at least buy some cupcakes or something for the unveiling!).
So, folks, we’re 35% of the way there! Another $4,500 from Heinlein’s Children, plus the Heinlein Prize Trust matching will complete the journey. Won’t you consider helping us reach the goal by making a donation to this worthy cause? A bronze bust for the ages of RAH in his home state capitol building, close to a similar one for Mark Twain (one of his heroes). We think that’s a great idea, and hope you’ll help us make it a reality.
There are three ways to donate. There are two “Donate” Paypal buttons on our website, either of which will allow you to make a dedicated (to this cause and no other) contribution. You don’t need to have a Paypal account, nor sign up for one, in order to use these buttons. If you don’t have a Paypal account, they will allow you to just use a regular credit card. Or, you can send a check to The Heinlein Society, 3553 Atlantic Ave, #351, Long Beach, CA, 90807-5606 and designate “Heinlein Bust” in the memo field.
We have previously announced that we will reach the goal by Dec. 31st, 2016, or return all the donated monies to contributors.