- April 18 – H4H has not been shipping recently while we’re building our inventory. You can help by sending us books. This thank you came in yesterday.
Good afternoon,
I just wanted to send out a huge thank you to all of the people that sent my family books. We are in the middle of packing for a 4000 mile PCS move. I have misplaced my labels I had saved to send out thank you notes. Could you help me somehow; to acknowledge the kindness bestowed us?
- Feb. 27 – I received this thank you today from Operation Paperback.
We received our first set of books while on block leave at Christmas and I misplaced all the letters that came with them. I want to sincerely from the bottom of my heart thank every single person who has donated to us and made our reading library wonderful. We read nightly and our daughters are in book heaven! It’s amazing what people are willing to do for what our soldiers do for our country! A big ARMY HOOAH to all of you for your generosity and kindness! Thank you again from the xxxxxxxxxx’s in Fort Drum NY! May who ever you believe in, bless you with many acts of random kindness for what you have done for us! Peace be with you all!=
- Feb. 19 – We’re back in business! H4H was assigned 56 new military addresses today. With these deliveries we’ll send out the last of our inventory; so please keep those donations coming to allow H4H to continue sending out books to our military. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR DONATIONS!!
- Jan. 30 – This came via email from a stateside veteran who is a science fiction fan.
What a nice surprise. I went to my mailbox today and found a box of books from the Heinlein Society. I first thought I probably I had read them all. But that was the surprise, most of these books I haven’t read except one. Foundation’s Edge but I actually want to reread it. I think there is 4 books in that series and this is the last but I would like to reread them all from the start. I want to Thank You
- Jan. 27th –
This is a military package receiving center in a temporary building overseas. Note the books on the table. These could be H4H books. This is where your book donations are going. This is how we are helping our deployed troops by sending them science fiction books.
- Jan. 21th – Rob Fisher arranged for H4H to send books to the Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center in Pennsylvania. They have a library and welcome books. Many thanks to Rob for this assistance. Any of you can do the same thing if you have a near by VA medical center. Send H4H a contact name and address and we’ll send books.
- Jan. 13th – H4H got a phone call from a soldier who recently returned home from Afghanistan. He called to say thank you for the books. He said when he and the others get books they pass them around for everyone to read. Then they go into the library for others. He said “because of people like you who care, we have a pretty good library.” I could hear his young kids in the background. This was heart warming. I wish all of you supporting the H4H program could’ve heard this soldier. You would have no doubt that H4H is helping people.
- Jan. 7th – H4H received a new address list from Operation Paperback. We have 54 new addresses to ship to as we continue the program into 2014. Watch here for more news.
- Dec. 23rd – The following is a thank you from the Dayton VA Medical Center.
Dear Members:
- On behalf of the Veterans, families, and staff of the Dayton VA Medical Center, I wish to extend our sincere appreciation to you for your donation of books.
- Your thoughtfulness reflects the concern that you feel for our Veterans and for the sacrifices they incurred while in service to our country.
- Your contribution makes it possible for us to enhance the care we provide our Nation’s heroes, the Veteran patient.
- Dec. 11th – The following is a message from a big supporter of the H4H program. “I owe RAH for inspiring me (I re-read Starship Troopers every year on my birthday). I love the idea of ‘paying it forward’ generally but especially to our Servicemen and women. When I was actively serving I would, on occasion, give promising Soldiers copies of Starship Troopers and solicit their reactions.”
Shepard B. Stone, MPS, PA, FAHA, DFAAPA
Brigadier General
United States Army (Retired)
- Dec. 5th – We received your package this week, right before the holidays. Thank you so much for thinking of us and sharing your books. We share them with the patients at the military hospital here, and in addition, we have a red cross office that helps with the bases books and library.
- Dec. 1st – The H4H program sent books to the USNS Pomeroy. They responded and told us the books have been placed in the reading/dining room. I Found the Pomeroy on-line and suggest you do so also. It’s a relatively new ship that serves as an equipment transport. I found some cool pictures, it’s a good size ship. Your H4H donations in action.
- Nov. 27th – Herb Gilliland, H4H program Chairperson reports he gave a Heinlein hardback to one of his Plebes. The young man is Caleb Laning’s great grandson. This makes me think of the troubles Cal and Mickey (Cal’s wife) had while Cal was at sea during WWII. Laning and Heinlein were lifelong friends. Please keep the H4H donations coming. THANK YOU!!
- Nov. 25th – This email thank you recently came to us in response to a shipment of science fiction books. As you can see we have also received thanks for the friendly effort.
- “My name is P. P. and I am the Family Readiness Officer for 3rd Medical Battalion here in Okinawa, Japan. We received some books from you this week. I just wanted to take a few minutes to thank you for the books and for thinking of us and taking the time out of your personal lives to support us and others. It’s nice to know that you think of us even though we are so far away. Your efforts are very much appreciated.
Thank you to you, your families, and your friends for all the support.”
- Nov. 23rd – The H4H program has now shipped 997 books to our soldiers and sailors all around the world. We’ve even put some aboard ship. A few of the recipients have sent us thank you notes thanking us for thinking of them. They love the SF books, but also appreciate being remembered and supported while they’re so far away from home all alone in a foreign place. PLEASE KEEP THE DONATIONS COMING!!
- Nov. 15th – Michaels’ Books of Bellingham, WA is providing books for the H4H program. On the 15th he found 28 Heinleins in an estate sale. He also found a letter from Heinlein to a fan. The fan, a Marine CWO owned the 28 books. The fan is gone now, but his Heinlein books, that he said helped him through life are now back in service, having been recirculated by the H4H program. I’m sure both of them approve of this.
- Nov. 11th – In honor of Veterans’ Day, we’re asking for more help and donations. Shipping costs are higher than we anticipated, and Heinlein titles are harder to find. If you have good quality, new or used, Heinlein books you can donate contact for the address to ship them. Those books will go out immediately, arriving to most recipients in time for the holidays.
If you can donate money to help cover shipping costs, please use the PayPal link on this page. Donations through that link go only to H4H. Thank you for Paying It Forward!
- Nov. 9th – Heinlein Society membership chair, John Seltzer, who is heading up the H4H program in Bellingham, Washington, packaging and preparing H4H books for shipments reported 199 books were shipped!
- Nov. 8th – The Heinlein Prize Trust, who previously donated 2050 hardcover Heinlein books to H4H, AND bookplate design and printing for those books, reports those books have the H4H bookplates in them, and are ready to ship to our troops in 400 packages. Recipient lists are being prepared.
- Oct. 22nd – The Virginia Edition Publishing Company, publishers of the Complete Works of Robert A. Heinlein, and the upcoming Citizen of the Galaxy graphic novel, generously offered to donate their traditional holiday discount promotion of $110-worth of Heinlein books to either Heinlein For Heroes or the library of the buyer’s choice.
- Oct. 10th – Immediately after our October newsletter a number of Heinlein Society members made substantial donations to H4H. Thank you everyone for your support! These donations made it possible for us to sign an agreement to get almost 2000 good quality science fiction paperbacks from a Bellingham, Washington bookstore, and help out that bookstore in the process.
- Oct. 8th – The Heinlein Prize Trust, Robert A. Heinlein’s main literary estate has offered to donate 2050 Heinlein books to H4H!
Glory Road – 500
Time for the Stars – 400
Variable Star – 400
Requiem – 750Total: 2,050 booksThe Heinlein Prize Trust also offered to design and print H4H bookplates to go in each donated book. - Oct. 5th – A Heinlein Society member in Minnesota scoured a large Twin Cities book sale, acquiring about 50 Heinlein and other Golden Age paperbacks and hardcovers as a donation to H4H.
- Oct. 4th – Heinlein Society members in Bellingham, Washington have gathered nearly 100 Heinlein and other Golden Age books to donate, and sent out an appeal to the local science fiction community to contribute.
- Sept 30th – $300 from Buzzy® 4 Shots, the “Doing It Right” company founded by Amy Baxter, the Heinlein’s adopted granddaughter (read Amy’s story on the Heinlein Society site here.
- Sept. 29th – The head of a major metro charity book sale offered to get all the Heinleins he could for us at the pre-public sale, at the bargain price of $.50 per copy, a win for his charity, and for H4H.
- Sept. 28th – A complete Virginia Edition set was donated, valued at $1500.
- Sept. 26th – We began working to get thousands of quality paperbacks at a bargain price, and help a struggling independent bookstore in the process.
- Sept. 16th – $100 tribute gift.
- Sept. 5th – $100 from a Society member.
Join our growing list of supporters. Contribute through the PayPal link above. 100% of your donation is tax deductible. All money raised goes directly to the Heinlein For Heroes program, to purchase books and pay for shipping costs. No one involved in H4H is paid in any way other than with the joyful knowledge that we’ve helped PAY IT FORWARD!