The Heinlein Society’s plans for the upcoming San Jose Worldcon are slowly solidifying from conjecture to actuality. Here is what we’re planning, keeping in mind that “no plan survives first contact with the enemy”.
THSers Michael and Peter Spierig just released their latest movie, “Winchester”. For the curious, the Winchester Haunted House is about 5 miles to the west of the McEnery Convention Center, hours 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Rates for Child/Adult/Senior-Military are $20/$39/32 for the basic Mansion tour; $20/$49/$42 for the basic Mansion tour PLUS an Explore More expanded access to the house.
Wednesday, August 15. If you’re arriving in San Jose early, we have two activities planned.
FIRST: A trip to Santa Cruz, CA, to do a photo drive-by of the Heinlein house at 6000 Bonny Doon Road, then on to the Special Collections Library at the University of California, Santa Cruz (where a portion of the Heinlein physical Archives will be on display).
We’ll leave the San Jose McEnery Convention Center (the central site for the Worldcon) no later than 11:00 AM. Barring traffic, the drive from the Convention Center to the Bonny Doon house is 53 minutes. We plan to stop for photos but won’t be able to enter the property.
22 minutes from Bonny Doon to UC Santa Cruz, so we plan to arrive on campus around 12:30 PM. 30 minutes for lunch at the Special Collections commissary, the on to the display! We may also be able to check out their impressive comic book collection. We’ll depart at 3pm so we can arrive in time to pick up Worldcon registration materials around 4pm.
At the moment, the group is small enough that we can caravan by personal cars, but we might need a $20 per person deposit if a rental van or bus is needed. Contact if you’re interested in going, and indicate whether you’d rather convoy or bus/van so we can work plans accordingly.
We’re also planning a “Mission & Vision” gathering for THS members in early evening of August 15, nominally beginning 7:00 PM, location TBD. Our Board found this gathering to be highly informative (read, fun and inspiring!) at the 2016 Kansas City Worldcon. To get on our mailing list for either or both functions, please contact Keith Kato at .
Thursday, August 16. Worldcon programming begins! THS table will have its information table set up (we hope) by noon in the Fan Table area. Come by to chat, pick up badge ribbons, and get the lowdown on THS’s party. The Retro-Hugo Awards will be presented that evening. We hope some Heinlein stories will have been nominated, so we have reason to attend (and be happy afterward)!
Friday August 17. This day is our requested day for a party suite, but those are being assigned by lottery so we do not know for sure.
Saturday, August 18. Masquerade.
Sunday, August 19. Hugo Awards.
Monday, August 20. Last day of Worldcon, including tear-down of our Fan Table. Dead Dog parties are the norm that evening.