As the entire science fiction world knows, science fiction community (and Heinleindom) icon Jerry Pournelle passed away on September 8th. We will have more to say about that shortly in our Newsletter, but for now we wish to pass along to you the family’s wishes for those of you (who like us) wish to memorialize him.
Dr. Pournelle’s family requests that all memorials be made to the SFWA Emergency Medical Fund, which was “Established to help genre writers pay medical expenses not otherwise covered by insurance.” Pournelle was an early president of SFWA, and it is characteristic of he and his family to “Pay it Forward” in such a manner, even in such circumstances. Jerry Pournelle, Ph.D. was a member of the Board of Directors of THS from 2005-2017.
There will be a memorial service for Dr. Pournelle in LA this weekend.
Start here.