Last year, web based voting worked so well that we’re using it again this year. The nominating period for Board members is coming next month; 18 May to 1 June. There are three Board openings that need to be filled. Present board members; Keith Kato, Betsey Wilcox and Herb Gilliland, whose current Board positions are completed have agreed to run for election.
Want to get more involved in The Society? You can nominate yourself or others for these positions. Any regular member in good standing is eligible. Now’s the time to step forward!
An email will be sent out to qualified members before 18 May requesting nominees. All Nominees will be asked to supply a short bio to include what they hope to accomplish or will continue to do for THS if elected as well as a photograph. The Nominating Committee will review all nominations and assure the Nominees are qualified. Come voting time you will be asked to vote for the Nominee you want to put in office.
Voting will be done electronically and members will be sent an email with instructions and a link to the host website when voting opens. Voting will be open for 2 weeks beginning 13 Aug 2015 and closing 29 Aug 2015.
John Seltzer, Chair Nominating Committee