Predestination Booklet

Dear Fan of “Predestination”:


At Sasquan, you signed up for a copy of the memento booklet for the movie “Predestination,” courtesy of The Heinlein Society.  Two different PDF versions of the booklet are available to download:


  • If you wish to have an electronic version of the booklet, with normal pagination, use the file titled “Sasquan Predestination booklet REGULAR”.  Simply open and enjoy.


  • If you wish to print a copy of the booklet, use the file “Sasquan Predestination booklet BOOK FOLD”.  You need to set your printer for American legal sized paper, 8 ½ x 14 inches, double-side printing, flip on the SHORT side of the page.  Note page “1” and “2” in the file actually prints both sides of the exterior cover page, which is the only color print needed.  You can even use heavier stock if you wish.  You should end up with 12 double-side-printed sheets, which you then fold in half lengthwise and then assemble into a booklet.  Watch the page numbers during assembly to make sure you folded in the “correct” direction.  The front cover sheet should have the image of both movie posters, and the back cover sheet should have The Heinlein Society’s logo.


We hope you find the booklet informative.  It contains production notes from the Spierig Brothers and Sony, Joy Ward’s interview with the Brothers in Galaxy’s Edge magazine, the reviews from the Los Angeles Times and Hollywood Variety, plus my own write-up for The Heinlein Society Newsletter.


Please remember when Hugo Nominations open up for next year’s MidAmeriCon II that “Predestination” is eligible for the 2016 ballot.


Sasquan Predestination booklet REGULAR

Sasquan Predestination booklet BOOK FOLD