Issue No. 18 January 2006 60 pages
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Edward Wysocki, Ph.D. “First Use of Classmate’s Name,” “More on Weems,” “Retinal Scans,” “Courtroom Procedures.”
Elisabeth Anne Leonard: “Farnham’s Freehold: A Narrative Enslaved.”
Brad Linaweaver: “The Haunted Machine: Conclusion of a Review of The Bradbury Chronicles.”
Special Feature: Papers Presented at the 2005 Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference in San Diego, California
Bill Patterson: “Canonicity and Controversy: Reception of Heinlein’s World as Myth Books.”
Chris Leslie: “Fascist Sci-Fi? Using Reader Response to Decode/Defuse the Conservative Environment of Heinlein’s Novels.”
Pete McCluskey: “The Great Globe Itself: Shakespearean Allusion in Heinlein’s Novels.”
Chrtistopher Brooks: “One Is Not Born a Woman: Gender Politics in Robert Heinlein’s Friday.”
Dave Landry: Father’s Daughters: Sexuality in Two Works from Heinlein’s Final Decade.”
Lisa Edmonds: “How to Build a Better Human: Why We Need (and Hate) APs, the Howard Families, Replicants, and the Khans.”
Dawn Baker: “The Man-Made Faith of the Man from Mars.”
Robert James, Ph.D. “Freedom Is a Lonely Thing: Robert Heinlein’s For Us, the Living Reconsidered.”
Michzel Kagan: “Heinlein and Heroic Education: The Education of the Hero in Have Space Suit — Will Travel, Glory Road, and Stranger In a Strange Land.”