What I am Reading 12.0
By Betsey Wilcox
Heads up: The next “The Thursday Murder Club” book from Richard Osman, and “Starter Villain” by John Scalzi, are scheduled for publication Sep 19, 2023.
John Scalzi – “The Android’s Dream”; Narrated by Wil Wheaton, Audible, HC, PB, Kindle
Yes, I have read this before, but I didn’t have a clear memory of what the book was about (except farts) and as I have a very good chance of having some time with John Scalzi and his wife Krissy at Balticon this year, I thought I should have Wil Wheaton read it to me to refresh my memory. I am so glad I did! It does start with a flatulence enhanced murder, but that is limiting teenage humor which does not apply to this book. I found myself lost in the story as I wondered what was going to happen next. It was like finding a new Scalzi book that I didn’t know existed. I had a blast listening and finding nuances in genetics, government, aliens, alien governments, malls, cruise ships, and AIs. If you haven’t read this, then take a chance.
Catherine M. Walker “UNWANTED-Emergence Book One” HC, TP, Kindle
I am proud to say that Cath is my friend and we met at WorldCon in 2018 at an offsite speaking engagement by George R. R. Martin and John Picacio. We sat next to each other and chatted amiably while waiting for the main attraction. Cath is from Australia and had written and was self-publishing her first book. I was fascinated with how she did this. We chatted, I introduced her to some of the Heinlein folks I knew, and she shared in our parties. We promised to keep in touch, and we did. I am proud to say that I have her first three book series, all signed, on my shelves. Normally, fantasy is not my favorite genre, but I like her characters and her well thought out world. I enjoy the stories she wrote. We keep in touch by email and by running into each other at conventions. I got an email from Cath in October of 2022, and she asked if I would read a draft of her new book because I had read her other books. I said sure and jumped right in. I finished it in four days and gave her my feedback including her improved storytelling. Then the book was published in March and is on Amazon. So, I read it again and I really like the finished product. I can recommend Unwanted Emergence whole-heartedly. I am also looking forward to having her visit me this this fall, and the publication of Unwanted Book 2.
Nancy Ritter- “Slack Tide” TP
Some of you may know that I now live in the Lowcountry of South Carolina and that Pat Conroy is one of my favorite Lowcountry writers. Through the Pat Conroy Literary Center, I frequently have the opportunity to meet new writers and try their books. My newest purchase was Nancy Ritter’s first book “Slack Tide”. I started reading and was pleased with her prose and descriptions of Lowcountry and her journey from Delaware to SC. She got to her new home and then… her dog disappeared. She soon spent most of the rest of the book with chapters long, angst ridden narrative about the poor dog, who at this point I can’t remember its name. She had the potential for exploring some real characters and dropped the ball. She killed off a character and I didn’t care. Very disappointing book in the long run.
Until next time,