We are pleased to announce Walter Luffman as the winner of our third ‘Virginia Edition’ raffle giveaway (pictured above)! Walter was announced as winner at the end of our 2019 Annual Meeting held September 8, 2019. Walter lost many of his RAH books to a house fire years ago, so he is really looking forward to becoming reacquainted with the stories.
We also raffled off a copy of Astounding by Alec Nevala-Lee. A fascinating look at John Campbell, RAH, Isaac Asimov and L. Ron Hubbard. Our lucky winner was Victor Koman, Ph.D. (pictured below)
Lastly, we also gave away a Mother Thing plushie from the new Have Space Suit Will Travel graphic novel to Jack Kelly. We hope Jack sends us a picture as well.
Congratulations to all our winners!