Per Society Bylaws, an election for 1/3 (three) of the Society’s Board of Directors was held by online voting, with the results announced at the Society’s Annual Meeting on September 11th, 2016. All eligible members (193) were sent voting instructions by email on August 15th with a two week window in which to complete their ballot. Six candidates (Joel Davis, Andrew Devlin, Joe Haldeman, Beatrice Kondo, Gerald D. Nordley, and Geo Rule) had been previously nominated and agreed to serve if elected.
The candidates elected by the membership, voting at a 63% turnout of eligible voters, are:
Joe Haldeman was re-elected, having been named on 84% of all returned ballots.
Beatrice Kondo, Ph.D. was elected, having been named on 65% of all returned ballots.
Geo Rule was re-elected, having been named on 62% of all returned ballots.
The online election was administered by Simply Voting of Montreal, QC, Canada. Any member in good standing of The Heinlein Society will be provided upon request the certified results document produced by Simply Voting by contacting and requesting same.
THS thanks all of the candidates for their willingness to serve and looks forward to continuing to work with all of them in the future to “Pay it Forward!”.