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ВИРЖИНИЯ ХАЙНЛАЙН In English 1916 – 2003 Виржиния Герстенфелд (Virginia Gerstenfeld) закончила Университете Нью-Йорка в 1937 году и работала химиком вплоть до начала Второй мировой войны. Она служила лейтенантом в Военно-морских силах США, будучи сначала сотрудником Бюро аэронавтики, а затем – экспериментальной станции военно-воздушных сил морского базирования в Филадельфии. Там она встретилась с Робертом Хайнлайном…
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Heinlein Timeline

On January 7, 2013  I posted a Heinlein timeline on the Heinlein Facebook page for a reader who asked for assistance in determining the order of Robert’s books.  The post drew a lot of looks, many more than I expected,  so I decided to create an improved timeline which of course wouldn’t fit in Facebook.  …
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John Tilden – Society Treasurer

John Tilden, known as JT on the long-running Heinlein Forum (now on Facebook), has stepped in to serve as a board member of the Heinlein Society and as Treasurer. John was born in New York and currently resides near Baltimore, Maryland. He first  encountered Robert Heinlein’s work as one of the cool books with the…
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Scott Hann – A Tribute

We’re sorry to have to convey some very sad news. Scott Hann, our blood drive chair, has passed away. On November 7, Scott stopped breathing as was rushed to the hospital. He was put on life support, but remained unconscious. Efforts to revive him were unsuccessful. With no hope of recovery his family made the…
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Happy 100th to Lazarus Long!

11-11-12: It’s Lazarus Long’s 100th Birthday ! Happy 100th Birthday Woodrow Wilson Smith, aka Lazarus Long; Ernest Gibbons; Captain Aaron Sheffield; “Happy” Daze; His Serenity Seraphin the Younger, Supreme High Priest of the One God in All His Aspects and Arbiter Below and Above; Proscriber Prisoner No. 83M2742; Mr. Justice Lenox; Corporal Ted Bronson; Dr.…
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My Virginia Edition Arrived!

My Virginia Edition of the Complete Works of Robert A. Heinlein arrived and has a new home on shelves in my office! My goodness… with as many things having to do with Heinlein and his legacy I’ve been involved in (Heinlein Archives, Heinlein Society, Heinlein Prize Trust, and more), I didn’t think a book set…
Read more Double Star Book Discussion will be having a book discussion of Double Star by Robert Heinlein September 15, 2012 at 2pm in the Oak Park Public Library. “One minute, down and out actor Lorenzo Smythe was — as usual — in a bar, drinking away his troubles. Then a pilot bought him a drink, and the next thing…
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Annual Meeting Notice

Our by-laws, adopted by the Board of Directors in 2002, and as amended, require that the board conduct an annual general membership meeting each year during the time and at the place of the annual World Science Fiction convention, when held in North America, and when not at a place in North America, at whatever…
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Scholarship Winners Announced

We are pleased to announce the winners of our two $500 scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year – Sarah McGowan and Meagan Nelford-Fracassi. We received a total of 43 applications from students in 13 countries. There were some very good applicants, and it wasn’t easy to narrow the field to just two, but both Sarah…
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Remembrances of the Centennial by “Thinker”

Many thanks to Geo Rule for his detailed record of his (and Deb’s) activities at the Centennial.  This accounting is very well written at just the right level of detail for a newbie like myself.  Geo included many names of people who are continuing to support the legacy left us by Robert A. Heinlein.  The…
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Prophets of Science Fiction: Reviewed by Lars Hedbor

I really enjoyed the show – it reminded me what a powerful influence Heinlein has been in so many aspects of my personal life, as well as in the lives of all Americans – and beyond. The live actor recreations of moments of his life and work were wonderful, and I really appreciated the verisimilitude…
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Centennial Credits

The Kansas City Centennial event was the effort of a group of Heinlein scholars and admirers who rose to fill the void and ensure that the celebration of Robert Heinlein’s 100th birthday happened in grand style. The consensus seems to be that we succeeded. Thanks Where Thanks Are Due We had the support of more…
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It’s Your Turn

Below is what was written in 2008 after the Heinlein Centennial had ended. Sadly, the Heinlein Society at that time had officially taken no part. However members of the Heinlein Society, and those now in positions of leadership and volunteering at the Heinlein Society, were a part of the Centennial. Now, with a revitalized Society,…
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Heinlein Centennial – Day Zero

Below is my trip report of what I took to calling “just partying with 600 of our closest friends”.

Heinlein Centennial – Day One

If Joan Eunice happens to read this account, I’d like to apologize to her.

Heinlein Centennial – Day Two

As Ginny began to read, up came Robert’s voice, and they read together, “This I believe with all my heart”

Heinlein Centennial – Day Three

“2107 in Luna City!” has been one of the recurring battle-cries of the weekend.

Heinlein Centennial – Day Last +1

We’ve already done Union Station, and now we head for Swope Park, featured in Time Enough for Love.

Prophets of Science Fiction: Reviewed by “Thinker”

I have mixed feelings about the RAH presentation.  It was very well done and had  excellent actors, visuals, graphics, references, commentary, etc. But, I came away from watching the program somewhat disappointed. I’m glad they stayed away from critical views and focused mainly on his contributions and visions but they skipped most all of his…
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John Seltzer – Facebook Page Admin

Welcome Heinlein Society member and volunteer John Seltzer who has taken over as main admin for the Heinlein Society’s Facebook page! John says he discovered Heinlein by accident and then read all of Heinlein’s works in a four month span. “I think I ruined my eyesight,” John said. But a happy, engrossing four months it…
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Butler Public Library Donations

In the current issue of the Heinlein Society Newsletter, Winter 2012, I reported two people had taken up the challenge to Pay It Forward by donating books to the Butler Public Library. Michael Cassutt donated an autographed copy of his latest, Heaven’s Shadow, and Mary Matthews, author of Splendid Summer, donated a copy of The…
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Prophets of Science Fiction – About the Production

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 the Science Channel program Prophets of Science Fiction will run its episode focusing on Heinlein. In August of 2011, the producers of the Discovery Science Channel’s series Prophets of Science Fiction contacted The Heinlein Society with a request for help for their episode on Robert A. Heinlein. The script was completed…
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Susan Lewis Paciga – Grammar Goddess

Though Heinlein said, “Shakespeare and I never let grammar interfere with expressing ourselves,” we would much prefer our website and newsletter promoting Heinlein’s legacy be done correctly. To that end, Susan Lewis Paciga has volunteered to assist with the newsletter and website, both in assuring correctness, and hopefully soon to be enterprising articles and other…
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Beyond the required Annual Meeting, the Heinlein Society also spent considerable time and effort to create a strong presence at Renovation. The Society’s Information Table was manned essentially all daylight hours of the convention.  As the Table was outside the secured room where Dealers, Exhibits, and Art Show were held, it had to be set…
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Heinlein Society 2012 Scholarship Program

The Heinlein Society is pleased to announce that for the 2012-2013 academic year we will be offering the first of many scholarships. There will be two $500 scholarships awarded to undergraduate students of accredited 4-year colleges and universities majoring in engineering, math, or physical sciences (e.g. physics, chemistry), or in Science Fiction as Literature.