June 2022 H4H Update

This fiscal year, we’ve made 267 shipments already, totaling 4,583 books distributed. Since the program’s inception, we’ve sent 39,033 total books to our heroes.

The Heinlein For Heroes program (H4H) sends free books to troops, veterans, and military families. We send only to individuals or units that have requested SF material.  Clearly many of our military men and women WANT to read good science fiction, including Heinlein. To meet that demand, our shipments go around the globe, as well as to veterans’ hospitals here at home.

Contributions keep coming in, but your help is still needed. We need gently used paperbacks—and especially Heinleins, as we include Heinlein books in every shipment.

Money contributions are used to buy books wherever we find them (book dealers, eBay) at the right price.  But free is even better than cheap. Is an SF friend or neighbor downsizing? You can help them and help us!

You can send us books at:
Heinlein for Heroes
c/o John Seltzer
2906 Alvarado Dr.
Bellingham, WA 98229

Go to heinleinsociety.org/h4h/ for information!

Here are the thank-you’s we’ve received since the last newsletter:


Hi! Just wanted to thank you for the generous book donation. It is so appreciated!


Paul Reyes and Family

I just wanted to let you know that I have received your package safely. I really appreciate it and look forward to reading what you sent! You’re all very great and generous people for doing what you do. It really makes a positive impact on the soldiers out on deployment.

With gratitude,

Vincent M. Torres




Good evening, 

I have received the books. Thank you. This is an absolute pleasure and has reignited my passion for of my favorite hobbies.


Al-Amin Smith