Heinlein Readers Discussion Group
Saturday 1/20/2001 5:00 P.M. EST
The Claustrophobic Tragedies
“They”, “All You Zombies” and “By His Bootstraps”
Here Begins The Discussion Log
You have just entered room “Heinlein Readers Group chat.”
ddavitt has entered the room.
ddavitt: Hi dave
SAcademy has entered the room.
ddavitt: Hi SA
SAcademy: Good afternoon.
ddavitt: Looks like Dave is not here in body; just spirit
SAcademy: How are you, Jane? Ready for the onslaught?
ddavitt: π
ddavitt: Yes; hosting isn’t too bad, it sort of takes off and you can sit back and relax
SAcademy: I take it that means “Yes”
ddavitt: Those stories are very complex; do you understand them?
SAcademy: I brought two apples along to eat–I’m sure I’ll be hungry before 9PM
SAcademy: 8PM
ddavitt: Dave has plotted out Zombies on a graph but it’s still dizzying.
ddavitt: Yes, I will have to leave to eat at some point. 5 to 8 goes through supper and bedtime for the girls
SAcademy: That is what Robert intended.
ddavitt: Cruel and mean!:-):-)
SAcademy: Yet you send smiles?
ddavitt: I think it bothers us that we can’t work it out but there may not be a solution; it’s fiction not rl after all
ddavitt: Maybe I like being challenged.
ddavitt: They are entertaining and thought provoking; that makes up for being frustrating
ddavitt: No one said life was fair.
SAcademy: I thought the most frustrating thing he ever did was the problem in Space Cadet.
ddavitt: with the levers and things?
ddavitt: that confused me a lot the first time round
SAcademy: I can’t remember most of it. But it was before he went to the Academy
ddavitt: Matt was very clever to work it out and not just start pressing buttons in a panic
ddavitt: Of course, that was the point of it; a sneaky test
SAcademy: Yes. It can be done by algebra.
ddavitt: I had similar problems with the sorites in NOTB
ddavitt: I checked out a book and studied it in the end
ddavitt: Had bits of paper everywhere…
SAcademy: Does it really matter? It’s fiction.
ddavitt: Heh, maybe, maybe not.
ddavitt: It’s no different to a crossword puzzle
Major oz has entered the room.
ddavitt: I
Gaeltachta has entered the room.
ddavitt: I’ve spent days working on those with mt aunt
SAcademy: Oh, well, it’s fun anyway
ddavitt: Yes it is.
ddavitt: Hi all
Major oz: hi, all
SAcademy: Hello, Sean.
Gaeltachta: Good morning each and every. Hi SA.
SAcademy: Hello, Major.
Major oz: Hello, SA
SAcademy: Someone leave?
Major oz: It’s about 0600 21Jan there, isn’t it Sean
ddavitt: Not sure where Dave is or if this is just his log running
Gaeltachta: About 8AM actually…….
ddavitt: Don’t think so SA
SAcademy: I heard a door slam.
ddavitt: Did you all see the revised chart of Zombies that Dave has done?
Major oz: Where are you in Australia?
Gaeltachta: Yes……. very good work.
ddavitt: Could be someone on your buddy list who isn’t on ours
Gaeltachta: Gold Coast……… near Brisbane……
Major oz: chart ? where ?
ddavitt: Good! It was 8.00 am; I’ve only just recovered from the headache I got:-)
Major oz: hokay, Sean
ddavitt: There is a link in the log and on an afh post Oz
Gaeltachta: The chart is at http://dwrighsr.tripod.com/heinlein/TimeTravelTheories.htm
ddavitt: fast work Sean!
Gaeltachta: I’m “with it” this morning……… so far π
Gaeltachta: Now where is my second cup of coffee?…..
ddavitt: Well, we can start if you’re all ready?
Gaeltachta: David Wright’s diagram is well done. It shows the beginning as the birth of the baby, which is as good a starting point as any, but can be argued chicken and egg fashion as not the *real* starting point.This is where I think it begins as a circle with a line extending out of it.
ddavitt: Sean, as you missed most of Thursday do you have any thoughts?
ddavitt: I think you have to start somewhere…
ddavitt: but the finished drawing may not have a start…or finish
Gaeltachta: Try this on for size. Think of David Wright’s diagram…. Now think into the future…. the bartender dies of and is reincarnated as …. the baby Jane! Now we have a *definite* closed loop or circle.
ddavitt: Ooh! Now that would be something!
ddavitt: I wonder what would
Gaeltachta: But I guess the same could be said of anyone who was reincarnated as themself.
ddavitt: ve happened if he sent the baby back further
ddavitt: So she couldn’t grow up to be the same Jane
ddavitt: Would that create a new loop? Or break it
Gaeltachta: But he didn’t…….. that’s the point I think……… he couldn’t.
ddavitt: What could stop him?
Major oz: If I were to describe a moving carosel, I would just jump on and move around. The story appears to be just that — an arbitrary starting point.
ddavitt: Unless he was scared he’d disappear
ddavitt: Good image Oz
Gaeltachta: He says something like……… what has happened, has always happened……..
ddavitt: Could Dave’s drawing be simplified to a circle?
ddavitt: His first version looked like a snake, which seemed appropriate
Gaeltachta: Don’t think so………. the bartender is still living into the future………
ddavitt: Future is just another point on the circle?
Gaeltachta: Zombies does not have a definite beginning point (chicken and egg stuff),but does exit the loop or circle (with the bartender), and presumably will come to a definite end at some time in the future.
Gaeltachta: Just MHO.
ddavitt: Once the recruiting has been done you mean?
ddavitt: How many times does it happen? Just once?
Gaeltachta: Yes……. then we don’t know what will happen……..
ddavitt: The baby is left on those steps once and once only and when it’s played out they can move on?
Gaeltachta: I think the circular life-line part ends when the baby is born………..
Gaeltachta: There has been some discussion about the structure of these 3 stories.If we see a normal life from birth to death as a straight line(with a definite beginning and end), then we all know that these stories portray a very different structure.
ddavitt: It’s like a tangled knot in a skein of wool; a single strand leading into and out of the snarled bit
Major oz: The time corps guy can step off the carosel anytime he wishes.
ddavitt: It’s all a matter of perception
ddavitt: Plus, notice how the machine itself is left very vague
Gaeltachta: Bootstraps has a definite beginning followed by a series of loops. Presumably Bob Wilson (Diktor) will have a definite ending at some stage as well………
ddavitt: In Bootstraps and Zombies…and Elsewhen come to think of it
Gaeltachta: “They” is a bit different. If the protagonist is indeed immortal then his life-line would possibly be infinite. Just happens that at the time of the story he is trapped in an elaborate charade.
DavidWrightSr: Hi everyone. I’m back from supper.
ddavitt: The machine is important; without it, none of jane’s story could have happened
ddavitt: Hi Dave
ddavitt: So, when it was invented, who knew enough to go back and start the loop/recruitng?
ddavitt: How did the bartender work out what had happened to him?
Gaeltachta: Yes… but needed to be simple to capture other people and take them as well………
ddavitt: The Unmarried mother didn’t know, when the story begins
Gaeltachta: Not stated…….. but he had plenty of time to work it out…….
ddavitt: Who told the bartender? or did he work it out when he was recruited?
Gaeltachta: Or someone told him……..
ddavitt: How did they know?
Gaeltachta: Not stated……… we have to guess…….
ddavitt: bartender seems to be a small cog, yet what hapened to him is unique
Major oz: When he joined the TC, he had it all explained.
ddavitt: I repeat; how did anyone know?
Major oz: ….or teased it out on his own.
Major oz: observation………!!
ddavitt: No witnesses to the seduction
Gaeltachta: But when he did put the pattern of events into practice, it only took him a couple of hours (?) to do it all……..
ddavitt: yes..
Major oz: My assumption is that he had seen it all a number of times.
Major oz: as an observer
Gaeltachta: So, he must have planned it like an operation , military style almost….
Major oz: Then he _chose_ to get involved.
ddavitt: Sen it all with other people Oz?
Major oz: And (probably) regretted having done so.
Major oz: I see that as the reason for the tag line
Major oz: …..his regret
ddavitt: He had recruited 40 people remember
Gaeltachta: The bartender, had his own prior memories…….. he could have worked it all out……
ddavitt: Maybe..
Gaeltachta: I like this quote – “Always remember you’re unique, just like everyone else.”
ddavitt: Funny!
Gaeltachta: I made the comment on AFH :”The general pattern of events and places they visited together would have made him realisewho he was with well before being picked up by the bartender IMO. Heinlein may have seen this as a weak point in the story, and did not draw much attention to it.” What do others think?
Major oz: Reminds me of the “uniforms of the nonconformists” in San Francisco in the 60’s.
DavidWrightSr: To me it is evident that the UM figured out everything after he was picked up and brought to the Rockies Base. So he knew that someday he would become the bartender and go through the loops.
Gaeltachta: Yes David.
ddavitt: Why doesn’t it matter how much money they spend in the past?
Major oz: Expand that idea,
ddavitt: Fair enough david; and he was chosen because he didn’t fit in
ddavitt: The money?
Major oz: No, I meant for Sean to expand on the “weak point”
DavidWrightSr: Jane said. “The general pattern of events and places they visited together would have made him realisewho he was with well before being picked up by the bartender IMO” True, but I doubt that he had figured out all of the rest by that time.
Gaeltachta: I can’t believe that the UM could go through the same experiences as girl Jane……. and not realise what was happening.
Major oz: I agree, David.
Major oz: The UM had to have memories of being a female.
Major oz: beyond that, nothing……..
ddavitt: it all happened so fast and from a different perspective; plus he was very drunk
DavidWrightSr: As the BT told him, “he found that he couldn’t resist seducing himself”. Makes it clear to me the he knew who she was and who he was at that point.
Gaeltachta: No…….. he had days…… plenty of time……..
ddavitt: He was shoved outside and told to look for a man; ended up meeting a girl and seducing her. Now that’s a bit strange; he got deflected from his purpose
DavidWrightSr: Right. he arrived on 4/3/63 and was picked up 4/24/63 If I remember correctly
ddavitt: So he met her, forgot about the man and coutered her for three weeks without clicking on
Gaeltachta: So, he probably *knew* who she was (himself)……… but couldn’t change anything……….\
ddavitt: But the text makes it clear he DIDN”T know
DavidWrightSr: The dates remind me: there are still 2 errors in my chart and I have found a possible error in the work itself.
ddavitt: Shocked when the bartender picks him up and tells him
Gaeltachta: Ah……… but *does* it……….????
ddavitt: I read it that way…how do you see it then Sean?
Gaeltachta: I read it again…….. and it doesn’t really say about him not knowing the girl…….
ddavitt: Says he’s badly shaken
DavidWrightSr: I think ‘Shocked” about figuring out the rest of it not just what had happened at that point
Gaeltachta: Just the bartender……… and himself as the mongrel.
ddavitt: looking at it, it could be that he had worked it out and he’s just shocked at seeing the bartender I suppose…
ddavitt: He was intending to stick around and break the chain maybe, then realisAIM_01-18-2001(CT)ed he wouldn’t be allowed to
Gaeltachta: It doesn’t say……. “Now you know who *she* is…….”
ddavitt: true..
DavidWrightSr: Just like in Bootstraps. When the time came, he found that he “couldn’t” change things.
ddavitt: He perhaps still hadn’t gone through it all to the logical conclusion that the baby was him. And her. And the other him π
DavidWrightSr: Yeah. That’s why I think he was shocked.
ddavitt: When he tries to recite the nursery rhythm you mean?
Gaeltachta: Yes Jane…… That part he still had to work out.
ddavitt: That bothered me; why couldn’t he? What force was operating to stop him?
ddavitt: Does that resolve the weakness in the story then Sean?
Gaeltachta: Which nursery rhyme? Yes…….. I believe that it does.
DavidWrightSr: As I said in my ‘Musings’, you have time travel in either of two versions. where you can’t change the past and one where you can. If you can’t change it, as in this story, you simply can’t change it. No force needed.
ddavitt: In Bootstraps, instead of saying what he knew he had said, he tries to recite a rhythm instaed
Gaeltachta: We don’t actually see the courtship……. so we must assume that Bob Wilson-like, he could not change events (even if he wanted to)
DavidWrightSr: Precisely
ddavitt: Hw can you not say words though?
ddavitt: Or just move to a different part of the room or…anything.
DavidWrightSr: Because whatever happened to distract you distracted you from doing it.
Gaeltachta: Who are the Zombies? The title of the story is “-All You Zombies-“. As Jim Gifford tells us in RAH-ARC, Heinlein went through several titles before this one, and most of them reflect the “chicken and egg” scenario of the main character.
Gaeltachta: Why would the title spotlight everyone else in the world as the “zombies”, and not the previous versions of himself? They were the main point of the story after all. We get a headache untangling that web of lives…….. and so does he.
DavidWrightSr: I think the problem most people have with this is the basic notion of ‘fixed’ events. So it looks like there is no free will. Right?
ddavitt: could be.
Major oz: ….agree, David — the forces that acted to procuce an action in one time module acted to produce the same action in the next one.
ddavitt: that’s logical i suppose.
Major oz: procuce = produce
ddavitt: But Bob was aware of what was going on, as his earlier self had not been…
ddavitt: I suppose it’s like rewinding a video; always going to be the same
Major oz: but the forces were there……
DavidWrightSr: Precisely.
Gaeltachta: If it happened………. it happened……. and can’t be changed…….
DavidWrightSr: I actually have more problems with the other kind of story, changing the past.
ddavitt: Why is that dave? Because it would set up parrallel universes?
ddavitt: Or affect so many people in a domino effect?
Major oz: yes (sorry, Dave) and the one that has the loop in it would look the same
Berllan5UD has entered the room.
ddavitt: Hi there.
DavidWrightSr: Well, the paralell universes version, I could accept, but without them implies something which I just can’t get hold of logically.
Gaeltachta: Sometimes parallel universes…….. sometimes the end of one, and the creation of a new one – How does that happen?
Major oz: When you change something, the parallel jumps into existence. But the loop still exists in the first universe.
ddavitt: we’re good but we’re not that good Sean!
Gaeltachta: π
ddavitt: That’s a hard question.
Eeyore3061 has entered the room.
ddavitt: hello
Gaeltachta: Anyone want a go at my question on who the “zombies” are?
Eeyore3061: Hi all, I dispised that last AIM upgrade.
ddavitt: Could argue both ways I think sean
Eeyore3061: The AIM programers?
Major oz: Helloooooo, eeeeyooooore
ddavitt: I always read it as the other versions of him I must admit
DavidWrightSr: That actually gives us 3 versions. 1. where the original time line is changed, 2 where the change actually occurs in a parallel universe and 3 where a forking universe is created.
Eeyore3061: Sorry, last upgrade ate my list.
ddavitt: Do you know what we’re discussing or do you need a summary?
ddavitt: Being hostly here π
ddavitt: I lost my list once; wasn’t even upgrading, just vanished
Gaeltachta: And doing a great job Jane.
SAcademy has left the room.
ddavitt: So sweet:-)
DavidWrightSr: Go girl!
ddavitt: You want me to leave? well…Ok
Gaeltachta: David……. are you going to diagram Bootstraps as well?
Eeyore3061: Hiya Oz!
Major oz: ….ignore that man behind the curtain…..
ddavitt: We seem to be concentrating on the time travel but I’m intrigued by the history hints in Zombies
Eeyore3061: I have no idea at the moment…
ddavitt: Bit like The Year They hung The lawyers in NOTB
Gaeltachta: Which ones?
DavidWrightSr: I don’t have a copy of it, but when I get one, I’ll do so.
Gaeltachta: The Mistake of 72?
ddavitt: The mistake of 1972, fizzle war of 63…
ddavitt: why does an order dated 92 take precedence?
DavidWrightSr: A typical Heinlein throwaway. Part of what makes his works so real to me.
ddavitt: all good stuff
Gaeltachta: Yes……. I think typical Heinlein hints…… which are left open for interpretation.
ddavitt: i agree
DavidWrightSr: GMTA
ddavitt: And we’re all great minds here
Gaeltachta: π
DavidWrightSr: Of course π
SAcademy has entered the room.
ddavitt: Is Old Underwear real btw?
ddavitt: whiskey maybe?
DavidWrightSr: Don’t know for a fact, but wouldn’t be suprised if it was.
Major oz: Only as real as my favorite: Old Stumpblower
DavidWrightSr: Typical of whiskey names, at least here in the south
ddavitt: sounds dangerous
ddavitt: I know one called Sheepdip
ddavitt: Welsh
Gaeltachta: I would never drink anything labelled as someone’s used underclothing.
ddavitt: Which explains a lot
ddavitt: A man of taste and refiniment
DavidWrightSr: Nah, just no gumption π
Major oz: OS came from a column called The Lower Fourty, by Corey Ford, in Outdoor Life magazine MANY years ago.
Berllan5UD has left the room.
ddavitt: What about Elsewhen? That seems to fit in with these stories but there there is no loop; lots of straight lines
Gaeltachta: If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you.
DavidWrightSr: Elsewhen reminds me more of ‘World as Myth’ more than it does these.
Major oz: Refresh me on Elsewhen
ddavitt: came out the month before Bootstraps
Gaeltachta: The students go missing in time?
ddavitt: Professor with six students who all go onto different tracks in time
Major oz: hokay
ddavitt: They experience what they think they will, according to their beliefs
ddavitt: Yes Lot like W as m because there are only so many tracks
Gaeltachta: Only the professor comes back,……. then disappears “in time”…… a little pun.
ddavitt: yes. strange story
Major oz: And my favorite: …Crooked Houses
ddavitt: One month befoe bootstraps…yet totally different take on it
Major oz: House (no s)
ddavitt: love that one!
ddavitt: Especially when they think they’re on another planet; and it’s California
Gaeltachta: The Hermit of Laurel Canyon joke………. very good.
You have just entered room “Heinlein Readers Group chat.”
Gaeltachta: I think George Clooney lives on that street now…….. and I saw that a firm of architexts is there as well.
Major oz: I soldered one
ddavitt: failed, just like when I tried to build a radar corner like the twins in Rolling Stones
Gaeltachta: On the same road…….. Not the same street number.
Major oz: ….but knowing it was just a three-dimensional shadow.
ddavitt: I did a Moebius strip OK; that was fun. I was about 12 I think
Major oz: with the two cuts ?
Gaeltachta: Bit like trying to build an Escher drawing……..
ddavitt: ?
Major oz: the cuts ?
ddavitt: These stories are a lot like escher
ddavitt: yes
DavidWrightSr: That reminded me. When I was catching up on what y’all had said before I got back, I saw that you mentioned the logic puzzle in Space Cadet. I have never been able to figure that one out in spite of my logic training. kudos to you if you did.
Major oz: After you make the strip, cut it down the middle ah-ha
ddavitt: It was years ago, can’t remember if I did it or gave up
Gaeltachta: Two cuts gives you 1 strip. One cut gives you 2?
Gaeltachta: Something like that?
Major oz: Then cut it again — REALLY ah-ha
ddavitt: Oh, I see; yes, I’ve done that!
ddavitt: Only once though
ddavitt: I will have a go at it Dave
Major oz: Talk about endless loops………..
ddavitt: If matt can do it so can i!
DavidWrightSr: Bootstraps and Zombies are indeed Moebius strips.
ddavitt: So plot them on one!
ddavitt: can’t do it on the screen but you could try in rl
DavidWrightSr: 4 dimensional Moebius Strips π
Major oz: define
ddavitt: The extra dimension might be tricky to write on:-)
ddavitt: Time…
ddavitt: “He felt the intellectual desperation of any honest philosopher” sums it all up really…
Gaeltachta: What about “Solipsism”? Heinlein had a suggested title for Zombies of “The Solipsist” 1.The theory that the self is the only thing that can be known and verified. 2.The theory or view that the self is the only reality. / This is more appropriate to “They” I think……..
ddavitt: Yes, we touched on this on thursday
ddavitt: But we see the people in they when he is not there; so they must exist
ddavitt: Mustn’t they?
ddavitt: Tree in the forest kind of thing
DavidWrightSr: By that title I suspected that Zombies was really more of a solipsist story than I had suspected, whereas They isn’t.
Major oz: no, Jane
ddavitt: He tells the attendant that if he doesn’t go the movies won’t run..
Major oz: we see them, but they are not people
ddavitt: I can accept that he’s the only pateint but I don’t think they’re figments of his imagination
Gaeltachta: He is very alone………
ddavitt: What are they then?
Major oz: constructs
ddavitt: Constructed by who?
Major oz: from the “great power of the universe”
Major oz: ….or whatever overlooks us all……
ddavitt: But are they evil? or neutral?
Major oz: nuetral
ddavitt: Why are they tormenting the man?
Major oz: they aren’t\
Major oz: he is tormenting himself
ddavitt: He thinks they are
Gaeltachta: It’s in their own interests……..
Major oz: They are benign
Gaeltachta: The will be enslaved…….. or something.
Major oz: They build things for him…….
ddavitt: I don’t think so Oz; I would’ve agreed but for the end when it’s clear they have an agenda
Major oz: Make him think the other constructs are real.
SAcademy has left the room.
ddavitt: He is like a rat in a maze
ddavitt: they are observing him
Gaeltachta: If he is a “god”, they are probably in fear of him….
Major oz: Like if you had someone in a cell the size of Wyoming, there exists no one else, you make imitation companions for him
ddavitt: His ‘wife’ is getting sympathetic; give him taj mahal
ddavitt: She is becoming ‘assimilated”
Major oz: you try to make him happy
ddavitt: Scary phrase
DavidWrightSr: Based on the three excerpts, I posted on Thursday’s log, I am beginning to suspect that ‘they’ are doing what ‘he’ set them up to do and ‘he’ has to try to figure it all out as part of the game.
Gaeltachta: A cosmic chess game perhaps…… just for fun?
DavidWrightSr: That’s what it seems possibly.
ddavitt: Like writing a murder musyery then getting amnesia so you can read it as a reader, not the author?
Gaeltachta: He thinks….. just wait till Glaroon finds out he knows!
ddavitt: Is he the Glaroon?!
Gaeltachta: But he doesn’t seem bitter at that point.
Major oz: nah
Major oz: that’s to matephysical…..
ddavitt: He has a happy place; and they take him out of it by disturbing him
Major oz: meta….
DavidWrightSr: Sounds like the Glaroon is somebody he made a bet with to see how he could handle the situation
ddavitt: Heinlein hated being woken up remember..
Major oz: HIs happy place was a SUCCESSFUL construct.
Gaeltachta: I need to get another coffee……brb
Major oz: only when he figures out the first clue, is he “insane”
ddavitt: Do we want to take the usual break?
DavidWrightSr: A break sounds good to me
Major oz: Thought we did it a 90 minutes
Major oz: but whatever suits……
ddavitt: we can do it whenever we need; don’t want you dropping with hunger or dehydrating π
ddavitt: I am having a curry cooked for me
SAcademy has entered the room.
Major oz: I just made one also!!!!!!
ddavitt: It smells very soicy so i’m yelling at david to cool it down
ddavitt: spicy
ddavitt: What is yours?
DavidWrightSr: ‘soicy’ needs to be a real word =-O
ddavitt: We’re having chicken bhoona
ddavitt: and bombay potatoes
ddavitt: What will it mean?
Major oz: Black beans, hard brown rice, lentils, celery, barely, shrimp, and many spices, primarily curry and celery seed.
ddavitt: OK, i will go and get a drink. back in a sec
ddavitt: Sounds good!
Major oz: bubbled all through the parade.
Major oz: It is now “clotting”
Major oz: barely = barley
Major oz: duh
DavidWrightSr: ‘soicy’. Don’t know. just sounds neat
Major oz: yeah, I thought that was on purpose, also
ddavitt: back..David asked what barely was π
Major oz: If I didn’t know better, I’d think Jane was from New Jersey
ddavitt: Says it sounds very veggie
ddavitt: Joisey you mean?
Major oz: mine
Major oz: ?
ddavitt: yes
ddavitt: Potteries accent is quite strong
Major oz: Sometimes only veggies.
ddavitt: I was a veggie
Major oz: Usually shrimp or chopped chicken
ddavitt: Now i just eat chicken and fish; no red meat
Major oz: Fish varieties in season
Major oz: low cholesterol and almost no fat.
ddavitt: We need to nail down the next topics too while i think about it…
ddavitt: We came up with some on thursday
Major oz: can you run them by us ?
ddavitt: Is it villains next, followed by / then NOTB books?
ddavitt: / means i don’t know
DavidWrightSr: Has everyone seen my latest version of the chart for Zombies? it is labeled Version 3 1/20/2001. The first two had serious errors. This last one still has 2 minor errors, but it is far better than the first ones.
Major oz: same site ?
ddavitt: I’ve only seen 1 and 2
DavidWrightSr: Take a look at 3, it should make things even clearer.
ddavitt: If you know there are errors and can’t fix them that sounds ominous
Major oz: maybe paradoxes, rather than errors ?
ddavitt: Will it confuse me even more dave/ i want reassurances that All
Will Be made Clear or I’m not looking!
DavidWrightSr: No. just lazy. Haven’t had time to fix them after I found them. I’m pretty sure that they are all that there are.
ddavitt: OK
Major oz: Dead ends on a loop ?
ddavitt: we were going to do tramp but not everyone has it
ddavitt: I’m looking at it now; brb
DavidWrightSr: No. I won’t keep you guessing. any vertical line through the chart represents a fixed point in time. the lines for the pickup of the UM should be right next to the seduction, but is shifted to after the baby’s birth. The other error is actually coverred in the text, but is not shown clearly on the chart. It’s insignificant
ddavitt: I was going to ask the significance of the shape of it
DavidWrightSr: The error I think RAH made is in the length of the
pregnancy, based on the times given.
ddavitt: maybe if I print it and draw in and label the lines of dates?
ddavitt: takes nine months; believe me π
DavidWrightSr: Might make it clearer. In fact, I think I’ll do that for version 4.
DavidWrightSr: As close as I can figure. it took 11 months for Jane
DavidWrightSr: Doe, that is , not ddavit
Major oz: re: topics — How has The Happy Days Ahead worked out and what would He say in supplement today ?
ddavitt: !:-)
ddavitt: Sounds good.
ddavitt: Unless it gets onto politics!
DavidWrightSr: He would probably say, ‘It doesn’t pay a prophet to be too specific’. π
ddavitt: Or maybe do what the Journal did and look at the predictions?
ddavitt: I think all his dire warnings have proved true about education and the like
Major oz: right…..didn’t he have something to say about Pandorra: “….she didn’t get anywhere near the kicking around she deserved …?”
ddavitt: cassandra
Major oz: duh
ddavitt: Was that LL?
Major oz: right
Major oz: think so…..maybe in the notebooks
ddavitt: But villains next; I’ll do the kick off post soon of that’s OK with everyone
Major oz: ga
DavidWrightSr: right on.
ddavitt: lots of juicy villains to chew on π
Major oz: I have never read that one with the nasty witch-women in it — one of the juvies.
Major oz: womAn
DavidWrightSr: ??
ddavitt: ? which one (no pun)
Major oz: Spacesuit, or Starbeast
Major oz: ?
ddavitt: Don’t remember that one
Major oz: I’m not sure
ddavitt: No.
SAcademy has left the room.
Major oz: witch was a misspeak….just a nasty woman
ddavitt: Star Beast it’s Joh’s mum who is nasty
Major oz: Haven’t read either one of them
ddavitt: that could be it; but she’s not evil, just possessive and manipulative out of fear of losing him
ddavitt: Haven’t read Space Suit!!!!!!!
ddavitt: You poor thing!
ddavitt: Or incredibly lucky person…
Gaeltachta: Back…… teenagers wanted breakfast.
Major oz: ::small voice:: no…..
ddavitt: Oh it’s a great one; first one I ever picked up.
Major oz: been looking for a long time
DavidWrightSr: You have Heinlein’s that you haven’t read. Lucky Guy.
ddavitt: Kip and Peewee are wonderful
Gaeltachta: …….. and Oscar
ddavitt: It’s around i know; seen it in the library in pb
Major oz: But I am expecting a care package of duplicates from Dave Silver — perhaps it’s in there
ddavitt: Oscar is nice π
ddavitt: Have you tried the book exchange?
Major oz: never on line
ddavitt: Don hasn’t posted much but it’s still running
Major oz: and the nearest book store (real book store, not wal-mart) is 70 miles away
DavidWrightSr: I had forgotten about the book exchange, I’ll need to take a look
Major oz: is that a web site?
ddavitt: Oh…that is a long way.
ddavitt: Yes; the afh book swap
ddavitt: I can get you the link
Major oz: got a URL
Major oz: hokay
DavidWrightSr: Do you recall the URL offhand?
ddavitt: http://rahbooks.virtualave.net/
DavidWrightSr: spasibo
ddavitt: About 42 matches so far. that’s how i met Sean wasn’t it? You were after EU.
Major oz: sp bolshoi
Gaeltachta: Yep…….
ddavitt: If you have a wants list Oz, email me; i go round charity shops lots book shopping
Gaeltachta: Couldn’t get it here……. Thanks Jane.
Major oz: hokay, Jane, thanx
ddavitt: No problem; i love getting books for people
Gaeltachta: That’s all I buy for people at christmas……….
ddavitt: But do you read them first?
Gaeltachta: No……. but I borrow some later
ddavitt: i can if they’re for my mum; we have an agreement
Major oz: By the way folks, I collect the phrase “thank you” in as many languages as I can. Don’t do it here, but if you get time sometime, e-mail me all you know. I’m on AOL by this name.
Gaeltachta: I try to suit the book to the person……. and sometimes I’m not that interested in what they are.
ddavitt: Good way of buying; lots of people can’t do that; just buy what they’d like
ddavitt: Thank you; why that phrase?
DavidWrightSr: There is that list of thank yous in ‘Podkayne’. Did you read that one?
ddavitt: podkayne had a list didn’t she?
ddavitt: GMTA again!
DavidWrightSr: Of course π
Major oz: I started it by backpacking around E. Europe and the USSR / Russia area, knowing that “thank you” and “where is the toilet” can get you really far in any country.
Major oz: ….I did this in my early 50’s — great fun.
ddavitt: Yep; my stock phrases are’ a room with a bath and a large beer please
DavidWrightSr: Wouldn’t water be better to bathe in? π
Major oz: ….never paid to stay — bought lots of gifts, though
ddavitt: OK; better be hostly…do we want to go back to the stories?
Gaeltachta: I have to take a couple of teenagers to a rock concert. Unfortunately this means I must finish up here very soon.
ddavitt: ha ha!
Major oz: family to family, etc
ddavitt: What group?
Major oz: alone
Gaeltachta: Lots of groups…….
ddavitt: rock group π
Gaeltachta: It’s called the “The Big Day out”………
ddavitt: who’s headlining?
Gaeltachta: Mainly Aussie bands…….
Gaeltachta: Killing Heidi…… Powderfinger……
DavidWrightSr: I can’t really think of much more to say about the stories. I wish that I could have re-read Bootstraps, but from what I remember, that wouldn’t add much.
ddavitt: Only know AC/DC sorry
ddavitt: Getting old and past it π
Gaeltachta: Same here π
ddavitt: Midnight Oil maybe
Major oz: I like to speculate on what Diktor #2 will do now — grow old with babes in attendance?
Major oz: Or go back to Medicare?
ddavitt: Repoulate the world?
DavidWrightSr: I think that that was about the height of his ambition as I recall
ddavitt: can he go back?
ddavitt: I suppose he could if he wanted
ddavitt: I reas it as him being trapped
Gaeltachta: I always wondered why he didn’t use the time gate more often?
Major oz: My fantasies are always to go back and buy Microsoft and Yahoo, then sell in Jan 00.
Gaeltachta: He could have gone almost anywhere.
DavidWrightSr: I suspect that even after having gone through the loops, he still felt that somehow it would change things for the worse if he did it again.
Gaeltachta: But if he was in control……. he could plan it right.
ddavitt: Yes; he could have nipped back and forth whenver he got bored
Gaeltachta: But he stayed……. maybe those babes again?
ddavitt: Or tried to stop the aliens from coming
DavidWrightSr: Why. his plans never worked out before at least the way he
expected them to
Major oz: I think he didn’t want to risk it, as being on the “origin” side, the gate could be moved away from you — never to be found again.
ddavitt: That never really got explained
ddavitt: Yes; the gate did move once didn’t it?
Major oz: Yeah, out of the alley
ddavitt: He remembered it would be in his apartment but it had vanished
Major oz: …..close call
ddavitt: It had to go, so it could be there but it must have been a shock
ddavitt: Not really!
ddavitt: Not if it’s a loop[
Major oz: But he wasn’t sure at that time
ddavitt: He HAD to remember and catch up with it
DavidWrightSr: Otherwise, the rest of the events wouldn’t take place.
Major oz: He didn’t see himself as # 3 at that time
ddavitt: Didn’t matter; like we were saying, can’t change it even if you’re aware or not aware
Gaeltachta: Wish I could stay……. but loud piercing music awaits. Bye all …….
Major oz: …..only after
ddavitt: You all convinced me of that an hour ago!
ddavitt: Bye Sean
Major oz: take your earplugs, Sean — c ya
DavidWrightSr: Morning Sean
Gaeltachta: π
Gaeltachta has left the room.
DavidWrightSr: Eeyore. You are awfully quiet. Any thing to comment?
ddavitt: Why are the humans of the future so dopey?
Major oz: …cause they is us…..
ddavitt: we’re not like that..
DavidWrightSr: Dopey. ??
ddavitt: If he has children will his new blood reinvigorate them?
ddavitt: lethargic, no spark of competition
Major oz: probably, if he studies Macheiveilli (whew?)
DavidWrightSr: I remember, sort of like the Eloi in Well’s book.
ddavitt: had intelligence and arts but no ambition
Major oz: yes
ddavitt: yes
ddavitt: Heinlein liked wells didn’t he?
Major oz: That pretty well describes the USSR
ddavitt: maybe wanted to explore a Wellsian future
Major oz: Intelligence and art but no ambition
ddavitt: In 1941 would that have been a worry to Heinlein?
Major oz: you bet
DavidWrightSr: Probably a comment by RAH about the end result of socialism/communism
ddavitt: Possibly.
ddavitt: But they are happy and ontent
ddavitt: Wouldn’t he have shown a less idyllic existence?
Major oz: A society (common in literature) that accepts “security” by giving up a virgin or two.
ddavitt: Or is the evry lack of will power enough to make it hell?
ddavitt: But they have no agressor, no adversary
DavidWrightSr: I think that he thought that Lotus eating was the very worst condition for man
Major oz: who
Major oz: Diktor’s people?
ddavitt: It is if we want to get naywhere.
ddavitt: I have to go and eat now.
Major oz: The society degenerates and kills the white squirrels
ddavitt: back soon, if you’re all still here.
Major oz: I’m about to hit my 120 minute mark, soon.
Major oz: So, Villains is next?
DavidWrightSr: Looks like we might have a short night. With Eeyore keeping silent and Jane gone, that just leaves the two of us. I think that villains was the consensus
Major oz: hokay.
Pnther5o5 has entered the room.
Major oz: I’m gonna go, as I have about ten minutes left and something I must do on line before being kicked of.
Major oz: see ya, all
stephenveiss has entered the room.
Major oz has left the room.
stephenveiss: hiya all ..
DavidWrightSr: Hi Pnth. Stephen. Small group here tonight. Oz will probably be back and Jane is taking a break. We have been discussing Zombies, They and By His Bootstraps.
stephenveiss: I may be in and out.. I’m (gasp) working on the picture page π
DavidWrightSr: and Eeyore is keeping silent π
DavidWrightSr: Have you read the log from Thursday’s chat?
Pnther5o5: And I’ll probably be in and out. I’ve been out the whole day and the wife is not being understanding…:-D
stephenveiss: I havent seen the log, no.. where is it?
DavidWrightSr: Hang on. I’ll get the URL for you
stephenveiss: thanks..
DavidWrightSr: Stephen: aren’t you on my mailing list to receive notices of the logs?
stephenveiss: I changed email addresses recently..
DavidWrightSr: I’ll check and see what I have down for you. Thanks
stephenveiss: ok..
Eeyore3061 has left the room.
Pnther5o5: So what is the topic _this_ week? π
DavidWrightSr: Zombies, They and By His Bootstraps.
Pnther5o5: Oh. I thought that was last week. Sorry. Clueless. Not even a dime to buy one.
stephenveiss: all of which I haven’t read for about a year.. π
DavidWrightSr: The so called ‘Claustrophobic Tragedies’. Bill Patterson’s title for them.
DavidWrightSr: I was able to read Zombies and They, but don’t have a copy of Bootstraps and it has been a fairly long time since I read it.
ddavitt: hi, i’m back, one handed, feeding baby
ddavitt: stephen, i have some photos for the page; where should i send them?
DavidWrightSr: We are having a lull, everyone has left, but Stephen and Pnther have come on board
ddavitt: kay
ddavitt: hi all
ddavitt: anyone have any suggestions about future chats?
ddavitt: don
ddavitt: all speak at once !
ddavitt: darn, this is hard to type
stephenveiss: not me, sorry.. its been so long since I’ve been involved in them ..
ddavitt: curry was way too hot; mouth is on fire
ddavitt: i miss uk curries stephen
ddavitt: especially baltis
stephenveiss: hehe..
stephenveiss: mm… balti π
DavidWrightSr: too ‘soicy’?
ddavitt: definitely
ddavitt: david likes vindaloo; i like korma. nuff said
ddavitt: we have a scanner now stephen; i think it sends jpegs; is that ok?
stephenveiss: ya, thats fine..
ddavitt: how are the exams>
DavidWrightSr: Do you have text recognition software Jane?
stephenveiss: they dont start until Feb π
ddavitt: ?
ddavitt: dunno
ddavitt: might have,,,i’m not techie remember:-)
ddavitt: a’s are they?
DavidWrightSr: Software that can scan a page of text and turn it into a document. Probably not, they normally have to be purchased separately, although some scanners might provide simple ones.
stephenveiss: nope.. thats my GCSE mocks..
ddavitt: david says no we don’t
ddavitt: good luck
stephenveiss: thanks π
DavidWrightSr: that’s how I was able to get those three excerpts done so quickly.
ddavitt: so what do you two thonk of time travel then?
ddavitt: to change or not to change…
stephenveiss: if we had it, I dont think people would be responsible enough with it..
ddavitt: couldn’t agree more..but would we know about it?
ddavitt: it sounds scary; monkey’s paw like
DavidWrightSr: The essence of Zombies and Bootstraps is that you really can’t change anything.
ddavitt: shouldn’t meddle, will only make things worse
ddavitt: but sail lookst it differently
ddavitt: they change all over the place
DavidWrightSr: That was the theme with the Circle or Ouroboros and why they wanted Mycroft Homes.
ddavitt: but their memories fade gradually, not a sudden shift
ddavitt: that’s a new idea isn’t it?
stephenveiss: I’m sure it mentioned somewhere that if you changed, it didn’t really change, but split that timeline.. one line without the change, one with..
DavidWrightSr: Having any memory of a time change bothers me. I prefer Hogan’s approach in ‘Thrice in Time’
ddavitt: colin slowly forgets he was a cannibal
ddavitt: ? wg=hat’s that dave?
DavidWrightSr: the ‘reset’ model has *everything* changing so that no-one has any notion that there has been a change. The only way they figured out that it was happening was that they got messages from the future which showed things that never subsequently happened. Neat book. Compatriot of yours, Hogan
ddavitt: james hogan?
DavidWrightSr: Right
ddavitt: Know the name
DavidWrightSr: Almost as good as Heinlein. Different in style, but who isn’t
ddavitt: how could they get the messgaes/
ddavitt: paradox
DavidWrightSr: They devised a machine that could send back messages, so when the people got the messages, they found that some of them turned out correctly, but others apparently didn’t. So they figured that the message was actually causing the entire future to be ‘reset’ so that it never got sent in that revised future.
ddavitt: interesting
ddavitt: so many different speculations…
ddavitt: wonder if we
ddavitt: ll ever have it
DavidWrightSr: Well, I don’t care much for changing anyway, but this makes more sense than people having ‘memories’ of something that didn’t happen.
ddavitt: agreed
stephenveiss: okay.. I’m off.. gonna work on the webpage for a bit then go
and get some sleep π
DavidWrightSr: The other approach I prefer to ‘changing the past’ is the switch to an alternate time track where you become part of the events of that one, but not the one you left.
mjriley78 has entered the room.
stephenveiss has left the room.
DavidWrightSr: Hi welcome
ddavitt: too late..night stephen
ddavitt: Hello mjriley
mjriley78: Mike Riley here
ddavitt: welcome to the chat room
ddavitt: talking about time travel
ddavitt: And 3 heinlein stories
mjriley78: I saw some of the posts in AFH. Talking about “All you Zombies” etc.
ddavitt: saves me writing it all out!
ddavitt: Any thoughts on it/
ddavitt: have you read the stories?
DavidWrightSr: http://dwrighsr.tripod.com/heinlein/CT_AIM_01-18-2001.html Link to Thursday’s log if you haven’t seen it.
mjriley78: Well I haven’t read it in a long while. But it was a sort of tighter version of “By his bootstraps”
mjriley78: Thanks
ddavitt: zombies? yes but more complex imo
DavidWrightSr: That’s like saying an air rifle is like a bazooka π
mjriley78: AYZ certainly gave one a lot more to think about.
mjriley78: I’ve read that AYZ is consistently rated as one of the top SF short stories.
ddavitt: I think so; very well known time travel story; one of the classics
ddavitt: So is Bootsraps though; amazing when you think it was quite early in H’s career
ddavitt: He was good at short stories; seems a shame they didn’t pay enough for him to keep up with them
mjriley78: Did it appear in Astounding first? Because if it did, I can’t think of any other story published there about unwed mothers
ddavitt: Though a novel gives you more space
ddavitt: Magazine of fantasy and Science fiction
DavidWrightSr: I think Zombies was in S & SF wasn’t it?
ddavitt: mrach 1959 9 from grumbles)
DavidWrightSr: S & SF = F & SF (GMTA)
ddavitt: as ever:-)
mjriley78: Ah. Then it was after his break with Campbell.
ddavitt: That was after WW2 wasn’t it?
ddavitt: Ok, back to two fingers so I can type faster π
ddavitt: Do you post on afh Mike?
mjriley78: Not so far.
mjriley78: I’m more of a lurker.
ddavitt: fair enough.
DavidWrightSr: I think learning to touch type in High School was the most practical course I ever took
ddavitt: I am pretty fast with 2 fingers…
DavidWrightSr: Both of my sons do it that way, and I can’t see that they have been handicapped in any way π
ddavitt: but not accurate. i proof read on afh but no time here on the chat
mjriley78: I touch type. But am not accurate.
ddavitt: I predict better typers, worse writers in the next generation
mjriley78: Since my handwriting is even worse, I plow on this way.
DavidWrightSr: Nah, it’ll all be replace by voice recognition π
mjriley78: I can actually type faster than I can write.
ddavitt: Mine has degenerated since having the computer.
ddavitt: i made notes for something and couldn’t reads them
mjriley78: “The PC is doomed”
mjriley78: Thank god
DavidWrightSr: My handwriting has *always* been lousy. A result of having
been a leftie forced to be a rightie in grammar school, I think
ddavitt: Do they still do that?
DavidWrightSr: I don’t know. This was 55 years ago π
ddavitt: Ok:-)
mjriley78: My excuse is that my fine muscle control is poor. Can’t play an instrument very well either.
ddavitt: Well, it’s getting to bedtime for the girls ( still sounds weird in the plural!)
DavidWrightSr: Are you using PC to mean all personal computers, or just those which aren’t Macs etc?
mjriley78: No. All desktop thingies are doomed.
ddavitt: I will have to go; I’ve enjoyed the two chats and I look forward to seeing version 4 of yor Zombie chart Dave
mjriley78: good night ddavitt
DavidWrightSr: ?? I’m working on it as we speak. Should be up by the time I get this log up
DavidWrightSr: Good Night
ddavitt: see you in 2 weeks for “Villains in heinlein’ or whatever catchy title I can come up with
ddavitt has left the room.
DavidWrightSr: Mike Are you on my mailing list for receiving notices of the logs?
mjriley78: I first read AYZ in “Adventures in time and space” Edited by Healy and McComas
mjriley78: No.
DavidWrightSr: If not, do you want to and if so what is your e-mail address?
DavidWrightSr: Thanks. I’ll add your name before I mail out the notification for this log. Should be up late tonight or at the latest by tomorrow night. Actually, you can check any time by using the URL I posted a few minutes ago and changing the date to 1-20- instead of 1-18
geeairmoe2 has entered the room.
mjriley78: OK. Thanks
AGplusone has entered the room.
DavidWrightSr: Will. Welcome. We are about to close up shop, but anything you want to say, please feel free to do so. Not many people here now. Actually been light all evening
DavidWrightSr: Hi Dave. Welcome to you too. Missed you Thursday and tonight
AGplusone: Just found a few minutes …
geeairmoe2: Tried to get here sooner.
geeairmoe2: Computer’s been bulky lately.
DavidWrightSr: Sorry, you couldn’t. I think that we had some pretty good discussions even with light crowds.
AGplusone: Hi, John, Will, “MJ”
Pnther5o5: Hey guys. I’m just lurking, sorry.
mjriley78: Mike Riley…my friends call me Doc
DavidWrightSr: an MD type doc or another kind?
AGplusone: Good. Wondered if you were related to the One-Ball of famed song … π
mjriley78: No. Just my name…. Riley, M. D. I’m just a lowly EE
AGplusone: One of the songs Laz sings in TEFL
DavidWrightSr: Ah so. nothing lowly about EE’s unless they didn’t go to GA Tech π
AGplusone: Between the ever famous “pawn shop” and the everlasting “Two Whores Came Down From Canada” …
mjriley78: :-[ University of Maryland and Catholic University
DavidWrightSr: I’m just prejudiced. Don’t mind me π
AGplusone: Good schools, all.
mjriley78: Go terps!
DavidWrightSr: I originally intended to be an EE myself, but couldn’t make the grade, so wound up as a linguist turned programmer turned network engineer.
AGplusone: I take it, it was slow in Maryland and DC today … no riots got out of hand.
DavidWrightSr: I only saw a few excerpts.
mjriley78: :-)The rain and cold damped everything..including potential demonstrators.
Pnther5o5: And now I must run.
AGplusone: What did we decide about the catastropic time fantasies, Davied?
AGplusone: Nite John
Pnther5o5: Later all.
Pnther5o5 has left the room.
DavidWrightSr: Caustrophobic ?
AGplusone: both
DavidWrightSr: π
DavidWrightSr: I’m not sure why Bill named them that. I never got the impression of claustrophobia out of them. Did you see the log for Thursday? AGplusone: Anyone ease into Cat ? as an extension of them?
AGplusone: Yes
DavidWrightSr: Not much as I recall.
DavidWrightSr: Discussion tonight was pretty much the same as Thursday. I don’t recall anything really new
AGplusone: Think Richard Ames-Colin Campbell is much like the protags of the other three.
AGplusone: paronoid … confused … not knowing really where he’s going/what he’s doing … in the beginning, anyway.
DavidWrightSr: The basic difference I saw was that in Bootstraps as well as Zombies, they could not change they past whereas in Cat, time could be changed and was.
AGplusone: a resolution so to speak?
mjriley78: Advanced solipsism
geeairmoe2 has left the room.
DavidWrightSr: I guess so
AGplusone: as in “we gotta ged outta this place, if it’s the last thing we ever dooooo!”
AGplusone: if that’s advanced
mjriley78: π
mjriley78: retro rock as opposed to retro rockets
DavidWrightSr: I think solipsism might have been important in Zombies, but not in Bootstraps.
AGplusone: Even if you have to kill The Black Hat … to do it.
mjriley78: That’s the progression
DavidWrightSr: I didn’t think that solipsism had anything to do with either until I saw Heinlein’s original titles and then I thought maybe yes
mjriley78: Was Heinlein a solipsist?
DavidWrightSr: Who know. He certainly made a lot with the concept mjriley78: All over. And more of it as time went by
AGplusone: what did he have the tournement in ‘pantheistic solipsism’?
mjriley78: The number of the beast …I believe
AGplusone: Better than going into the Critic’s Lounge there.
mjriley78: Those who cant’ do teach. Those who can’t teach..teach teachers.
Those who can’t do that become critics.
AGplusone: And tear each other apart like Kilkenny Cats!
AGplusone: or ‘dopey joes’ . . .
AGplusone: What are the Kilkenny Cats, Michael?
mjriley78: I’m afraid the reference escapes me.. though I’ve heard the term
AGplusone: I know it’s Irish, by my dear sainted mother only got as far as
telling me about the national fruit … the potato.
AGplusone: by=but
DavidWrightSr: Heinlein referred to it a couple of times, but I’ve never known the source.
mjriley78: checking
mjriley78: me wife is a librarian..she knows everything
AGplusone: Yea!
AGplusone: Thursday did seem a very fruitful chat, David.
DavidWrightSr: I enjoyed it, but then time travel is one of my favorite themes, along with alternate histories
mjriley78: I’ll have to post the answer to AFH.
AGplusone: Okily Dokily!
mjriley78: D’oooh
AGplusone: Can you imagine what Moll would do to her decendant?
DavidWrightSr: ??
AGplusone: Moll Flanders (Defore’s character)
DavidWrightSr: Know the name, but have never read it. I’m sadly lacking in literary background.
AGplusone: That was a great PBS special with Alexis playing her a few years back.
AGplusone: Moll was an adventuress right up there with the Highwayman.
DavidWrightSr: That’s why you and Bill and Jane impress me so much with your knowledge π
AGplusone: pbsssst!
AGplusone: “Okily dokily, indeed, you little varlet!”
AGplusone: Nice meeting you, Michael …
mjriley78: Take care everyone
DavidWrightSr: Same here. Please come back.
DavidWrightSr: I guess that’s about it for now. Anything you want to add David?
AGplusone: naw, just glad you all are continuing them
AGplusone: π
mjriley78 has left the room.
AGplusone: g’nite, David
DavidWrightSr: Well, we miss your guidance, but I can understand your situation. Good Night
DavidWrightSr: Log Officially Closed at 8:00 P.M. EST
Final End Of Discussion Log