Annual Meeting

Our by-laws, adopted by the Board of Directors in 2002, and as amended, require that the board conduct an annual general membership meeting each year during the time and at the place of the annual World Science Fiction convention, when held in North America, and when not at a place in North America, at whatever place it shall determine.

This is written notice of that meeting, as required in our by-laws, to each member
entitled or likely to be entitled to vote at the meeting. You will be entitled to vote only if you are registered as a regular member and only if your dues are fully paid up through the current year of 2011 at the time of the meeting. An opportunity to make dues current will be afforded members prior to and at the beginning of the meeting. Supporting members are not entitled to vote, but, subject to ruling of the chair, may address the meeting.

This year’s meeting will be our Society’s tenth annual general meeting. The meeting will be held during Renovation, in Reno, Nevada, at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center, Friday, August 19, 2011 from 11:00-14:00. Visitors are encouraged to attend, subject to ruling of the Chair.

The regular order of business specified in the by-laws to be observed is that customary for non-profit membership charitable corporations and will include election of three directors of The Society for three positions on the Board for a term of three years, as specified in the bylaws.

Further business consistent with the by-laws will occur at the meeting.

You may vote at the meeting in person, or by an assigned written proxy, if you are eligible to vote at the time of the meeting. All proxies must be written, signed, and notarized, or accompanied by a clear and legible photocopy of a government-issued photo identification containing a signature for comparison purposes, to be valid.

Further, the proxy must designate in writing the person to exercise the proxy; and must be received by the Secretary of the Society by postal mail or in person at or before the time of the meeting. If you mail your proxy to the Society’s postal address in Long Beach, California, please note that an officer of the Society will finally check that post office box address on the morning of August 12, 2011, and it is solely your responsibility to ensure it arrives by that time. You may designate any natural person to attend the meeting and vote your proxy. The by-laws specify that failure of a non-attending member to designate a proxy shall constitute designation of the president as the holder of the proxy of the member not in attendance.

We all hope as many of the Society’s members as possible do attend the meeting.


The Heinlein Society
10th Annual General Membership Meeting
Renovation—The 69th World Science Fiction Convention
Reno-Sparks Convention Center
4590 South Virginia Street
Reno, Nevada 89502-6013
Friday, August 19, 2011, 11:00 AM PDT
Room TBD

As required by Article I, Section 7 of the By Laws of The Heinlein Society, the Agenda
of the Annual General Business Meeting is as follows:

1. Roll call.
2. Reading notice and proof of mailing.
3. Reading of minutes of last preceding [2010] Annual General Business
4. Report of THS President, Michael Sheffield.
5. Report of THS Vice President-Secretary, Keith Kato.
6. [Report of THS Treasurer, Pamela Somers.]
7. Election of Directors for the 2011-2014 term.
8. Transaction of other business mentioned in the notice.
9. [Good of the Society.]
10. Adjourn.

Note: Provided that, in the absence of any objection, or by majority vote of those present who are eligible to vote, the presiding officer may vary the order of business at his or her discretion.

/s/ Keith G. Kato
Vice President-Secretary

The Heinlein Society
3553 Atlantic Avenue, #341
Long Beach, CA 90807-5606

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