2022 Worldcon Updates
By Keith G. Kato
Some salient information regarding the 80th Worldcon in 2022, Chicon 8 (https://chicon.org/):
- Hotel reservations for the Worldcon hotel, the Hyatt Regency Chicago, opened April 25, 2022 The stated nightly room rate is $165.00, or $193.71 including all state and local taxes. As recently as June 9, rooms were still available to reserve at the convention rate.
- The Worldcon party jointly-hosted by The Center For Ray Bradbury Studies, The Heinlein Society, and Dr. Keith G. Kato, is being planned for Friday, 2 September 2022 at the Hyatt Regency. Tentatively we hope to run from 6:00 PM to midnight. All bona fide members of THS are welcome; come check in at THS’s Fan Table for location and a badge ribbon to let you in. If you can volunteer to help set up beforehand, or help tear down and clean up afterwards, leave your name at the Table.
- We are considering an outside-Worldcon social activity for Wednesday, August 31, 2022, the day before Worldcon begins: A day-long road trip to Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) to visit our friend Dr. Jason Aukerman at his Center For Ray Bradbury Studies on the campus of IUPUI. According to MapQuest, this drive is nominally 184 miles/3 hours each way. We would leave the Hyatt at 8:00 AM, have lunch at IUPUI, get a docent’s tour of the Bradbury Center led by Jason himself, and depart for Chicago no later than 4:00 PM. We would like to gauge interest whether a critical number of THSers would like to make this trip, and what sized vehicle(s) are needed. If the interest indicates a “GO,” you would be obligated to pay a non-refundable $50 (not including lunch) to THS. Please contact Keith Kato directly at to indicate your interest. DO NOT SEND MONEY NOW!