March 16, 2014
The Heinlein Society is pleased to announce our third annual scholarship essay contest for the 2014-2015 academic year. We are increasing the amount of the two scholarships we award to $750. The scholarships will be awarded to undergraduate students of accredited 4-year colleges and universities majoring in engineering, math, or physical sciences (e.g. physics, chemistry), or in Science Fiction as Literature. Applicants will need to submit a 500-1,000 word essay on one of several available topics. Winners will be announced on July 7, 2014.
Previous scholarship winners who will still be attending college in the 2014-2015 academic year as undergraduates are eligible to apply again, but they must choose a different essay topic.
To apply, fill out the form below and print or email. Deadline is May 15, 2014.
Scholarship Application 2014
1. Deadline for scholarship applications is May 15, 2014.
2. Refer to criteria below for eligibility requirements.
3. Refer to application process below for a list of the supporting documents needed (i.e., reference forms, essay, etc.)
4. Please type or print legibly.
5. If you have any questions about the application, please email .
Purpose: To provide scholarship to 2 deserving full time students attending a four-year college.
Award Components: Two (2) $750 scholarships awarded to students selected by the Heinlein Society Scholarship Committee.
Eligibility Requirements
1. Applicant must be a full time undergraduate student enrolled in an accredited college that awards Bachelor of Science or Arts degrees.
2. Major must be Science Fiction as Literature or Engineering, Math or Physical Sciences (e.g. Physics, Chemistry).
3. Open to residents of any country.
Application Process
Applicant must submit the following items:
1. Completed application form (if handwritten, please print legibly)
2. A brief explanation of career goals and biographical (background) information.
3. A 500 – 1,000 word essay on one of the following subjects:
a. How Robert Heinlein affected my career choice.
b. My favorite Robert Heinlein story and why.
c. Discuss applicability of achievements in space exploration or research to improving human lives here on earth.
Deadline for the application is May 15, 2014. Applications postmarked or emailed after this date will not be considered.
Please mail completed application to:
The Heinlein Society
3553 Atlantic Ave. #341
Long Beach, CA 90807-5606